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auntnance123 Juan DiTrani Elsa Liam
Ava T-B KaraPeckham Vipul Ramanuj AmandaCech
NicholeSauve Dwarf Tibouchina
Dwarf Tibouchina suggestion by NicholeSauve Florida, USA10 years ago

Common name: Dwarf Tibouchina
Scientific name: Tibouchina lepidota

NicholeSauve Sensitive Fern
Sensitive Fern suggestion by NicholeSauve East Ridge, Tennessee, USA10 years ago

Common name: Sensitive Fern
Scientific name: Onoclea sensibilis

NicholeSauve Large Scarab
Large Scarab suggestion by NicholeSauve Michigan, USA10 years ago

Common name: Flower Chafer or Hermit Flower Beetle
Scientific name: Osmoderma scabra

NicholeSauve dragon fly
dragon fly suggestion by NicholeSauve Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India12 years ago

Common name: Ditch Jewel (female)
Scientific name: Brachythemis contaminata

NicholeSauve Norway Spruce
Norway Spruce suggestion by NicholeSauve New York, USA12 years ago

Common name: Norway Spruce
Scientific name: Picea abies

NicholeSauve Butterfly Lizard
Butterfly Lizard suggestion by NicholeSauve Florida, USA12 years ago

Common name: Butterfly Lizard
Scientific name: Leiolepis belliana

NicholeSauve purple eryngo
purple eryngo suggestion by NicholeSauve Austin, Texas, USA12 years ago

Common name: Eryngo
Scientific name: Eryngium leavenworthii

NicholeSauve Oruga
Oruga suggestion by NicholeSauve Mexico12 years ago

Common name: Tobacco Horn Worm (Sphinx or Hawk Moth)
Scientific name: Manduca sexta

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