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Piali Bopanna

Piali Bopanna


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Tat'yanaZherebtsova DanielePralong Dan Doucette LarsKorb
tibiprada Sushil Thomas David Sumukha Javagal Ava T-B
Piali Bopanna Great stone curlew
Great stone curlew commented on by Piali Bopanna Mysuru, India11 years ago

Thanks Sachin. I made the changes.

Piali Bopanna Purple rumped Sun-bird
Purple rumped Sun-bird commented on by Piali Bopanna Mysuru, India11 years ago


Piali Bopanna River Tern
River Tern commented on by Piali Bopanna Mysuru, India11 years ago

The Terns generally leave this part of the river by early August. I was lucky to spot that one.

Piali Bopanna Red and White Giant Flying Squirrel
Red and White Giant Flying Squirrel commented on by Piali Bopanna Paracel Islands11 years ago

I love the squirrel's eyes!

Piali Bopanna Barn Owl
Barn Owl commented on by Piali Bopanna Fresno, California, USA11 years ago


Piali Bopanna fire salamander
fire salamander commented on by Piali Bopanna Baden-Württemberg, Germany12 years ago

The 2'nd picture is my favourite

Piali Bopanna Helmeted Guineafowl
Helmeted Guineafowl commented on by Piali Bopanna Nairobi, Kenya12 years ago

Congrats on the SOTD

Piali Bopanna Crocodile
Crocodile commented on by Piali Bopanna 0886, Northern Territory, Australia12 years ago

Amazing! The background looks surreal

Piali Bopanna Kentish Plover chick
Kentish Plover chick commented on by Piali Bopanna BARCHETA, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain12 years ago

Cute bird :)

Piali Bopanna Steller's Jay
Steller's Jay commented on by Piali Bopanna Wyoming, USA12 years ago

I love the colour of the bird! It is so pretty.

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