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I'm a recently graduated Biology, Environmental and Zoology student and I absolutely adore nature. I like hiking and photography :)

Trinidad and Tobago

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Sergio Monteiro Mohammed Al-Saleh Dan Doucette MaxLewis
Zlatan Celebic Ingrid3 Nacho Garcia K Bailey
celestialprincess101 Blue Grey Ringlet
Blue Grey Ringlet commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago9 years ago

Thank you Luis!

celestialprincess101 Malachite
Malachite commented on by celestialprincess101 Jalisco, Mexico9 years ago

My favourite butterfly :)

celestialprincess101 Blue Chest Sapphire
Blue Chest Sapphire commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago9 years ago

Thank you. Always a wonder to see them.

celestialprincess101 Blue Chest Sapphire
Blue Chest Sapphire commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago9 years ago

Thank you. Caught in my backyard resting after a drizzle :)

celestialprincess101 Peacock
Peacock commented on by celestialprincess101 Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, USA9 years ago

Lovely colours!

celestialprincess101 Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
Ferruginous Pygmy Owl commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Thank you.

celestialprincess101 Ant Mimic Tree Hopper
Ant Mimic Tree Hopper commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Thank you both :)

celestialprincess101 Match Stick Plant
Match Stick Plant commented on by celestialprincess101 Baguio, Benguet, Philippines10 years ago

Beautiful colours :O

celestialprincess101 Gladiator Tree Frog
Gladiator Tree Frog commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Thank you Reza.

celestialprincess101 Tree Hopper
Tree Hopper commented on by celestialprincess101 Trinidad and Tobago10 years ago

Thank you.

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