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the reptile man

the reptile man

i love dogs and reptiles i love to keep pets i have 4fish 1bird 1lizerd 1snapping turle 2dogs and 2crayfish but im just a big animal lover.


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Gina423 LarryGraziano Malcolm Wilton-Jones LesleySmitheringale
caseybowden186 MarinLeko Voyagerand1D66 beaker98
the reptile man Oscar
Oscar suggestion by the reptile man Preah Vihear, Cambodia10 years ago

Common name: Tiger Oscar Cichlid
Scientific name: Astronotus ocellatus

the reptile man Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by the reptile man Los Angeles, California, USA10 years ago

Common name: Chinese water dragon
Scientific name: Physignathus cocincinus

the reptile man Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by the reptile man Los Angeles, California, USA10 years ago

Common name: ghost catfish/ glass catfihs.
Scientific name: Kryptopterus bicirrhis

the reptile man Lionhead Goldfish
Lionhead Goldfish suggestion by the reptile man Glendale, California, USA10 years ago

Common name: oranda goldfish (lionhed goldfish do not have a dorsal fin.)
Scientific name: Carassius auratus species

the reptile man Unnamed spotting
Unnamed spotting suggestion by the reptile man North Carolina, USA10 years ago

Common name: white tailed deer
Scientific name: odocoileus virginianus

the reptile man Goldfish
Goldfish suggestion by the reptile man Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico10 years ago

Common name: Koi
Scientific name: Cyprinus carpio haematopterus

the reptile man Sunfish; Bluegill
Sunfish; Bluegill suggestion by the reptile man Llíria, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain10 years ago

Common name: Bluegill
Scientific name: Lepomis macrochirus

the reptile man comet goldfish
comet goldfish suggestion by the reptile man Guanajuato, Mexico10 years ago

Common name: comet goldfish
Scientific name: Carassius auratus species

the reptile man Eastern Box Turtle
Eastern Box Turtle suggestion by the reptile man Holbrook, Massachusetts, USA10 years ago

Common name: Eastern Box Turtle
Scientific name: Terrapene carolina carolina

the reptile man Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting suggestion by the reptile man Austin, Texas, USA10 years ago

Common name: Garden snail
Scientific name: Helix aspersa

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