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A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife

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WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity
7,224 participants
45,474 spottings

WILD Cities: Urban Biodiversity

Millions of city-dwellers walk their local streets every day, but many overlook the multitude of animals and ...

Great Pollinator Project of NYC
1,515 participants
1,127 spottings

Great Pollinator Project of NYC

One-third of our food depends on the services of a pollinator—bee or other insect, bird, or mammal. Bees are the ...

Mushroom Mapping
6,124 participants
29,006 spottings

Mushroom Mapping

Mushroom ecology is a pivotal orientation point for exploring urban systems. Help us gather important data and ...

El Color Rojo
838 participants
2,285 spottings

El Color Rojo

El color rojo es un color audaz que representa la pasión. Nos gustaría crear una colección de imágenes de la fauna ...

Butterflies & Moths of the World
8,541 participants
78,187 spottings

Butterflies & Moths of the World

Butterflies and Moths are insects of the order Lepidoptera. Their brilliant colors have inspired artistic ...

2011 Best Wildlife Photo
8,511 participants
9,121 spottings

2011 Best Wildlife Photo

We're calling for your best wildlife photos. This featured mission is open to all members from all over the world ...

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