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Mr. John's Explorers

Mr. John's Explorers

This mission covers a 300 mile radius surrounding our classroom. Feel free to add any flora or fauna you discover within the mission boundaries.

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Mr. John's Explorers
Created by


9 participants 143 spottings

Mr. John's Explorers is an educational program run by KidZone Child Care & Education Center's O.S.A. program in Pittsfield Massachusetts. Our team of young explorers will gather data about the local flora and fauna and enter their findings onto the Project Noah data base.

Mr. John's Explorers

Lat: 42.45 Long: -73.24

Recent Spottings

Himmelman's Plume Moth jgorneau 4 2 Himmelman's Plume Moth
Common Merganser jgorneau 1 1 Common Merganser
Spotting jgorneau 0 2 Spotting
Spotting MrJohn 1 0 Spotting
Cribellate Orbweaver jgorneau 1 2 Cribellate Orbweaver
Flat Bug jgorneau 2 0 Flat Bug
Cairns Birdwing(male) MrJohn 15 5 Cairns Birdwing(male)
Spotting MrJohn 2 2 Spotting
Nutsedge jgorneau 0 1 Nutsedge
Firefly jgorneau 0 3 Firefly
Spittlebug (Nymph) jgorneau 2 4 Spittlebug (Nymph)
Common Spring Moth jgorneau 2 3 Common Spring Moth
Pine Tree Spur-throated Grasshopper jgorneau 1 4 Pine Tree Spur-throated Grasshopper
Luna Moth jgorneau 1 1 Luna Moth
Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix jgorneau 1 2 Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix
Great Blue Skimmer (Female) jgorneau 4 9 Great Blue Skimmer (Female)
Gold-Green Sweat Bee jgorneau 3 9 Gold-Green Sweat Bee
Malachite MrJohn 10 3 Malachite
Field Pussytoes jgorneau 3 4 Field Pussytoes
Eastern Pondhawk (Female) jgorneau 1 0 Eastern Pondhawk (Female)
Leaf-Footed Bug jgorneau 0 1 Leaf-Footed Bug
Fourteen-Spotted Ladybeetle jgorneau 0 3 Fourteen-Spotted Ladybeetle
Common Spring Moth jgorneau 2 7 Common Spring Moth
Fragile Forktail damselfly (male) jgorneau 0 2 Fragile Forktail damselfly (male)
Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart jgorneau 4 2 Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart
White Slant-Line jgorneau 1 2 White Slant-Line
Owl Butterfly MrJohn 2 0 Owl Butterfly
Virginia Tiger Moth (with spots) jgorneau 1 2 Virginia Tiger Moth (with spots)
Spotting jgorneau 1 2 Spotting
Malachite MrJohn 3 0 Malachite
Malachite MrJohn 0 1 Malachite
Common Crow MrJohn 0 1 Common Crow
American Toad jgorneau 2 3 American Toad
Large Diamond-Backed Jumper (Female) jgorneau 1 11 Large Diamond-Backed Jumper (Female)
Grape Leaffolder Moth jgorneau 0 7 Grape Leaffolder Moth
Eastern Amberwing (male) jgorneau 0 1 Eastern Amberwing (male)
Zebra Jumping Spider jgorneau 1 0 Zebra Jumping Spider
Boxelder jgorneau 1 4 Boxelder
Mayfly jgorneau 1 6 Mayfly
Horsehair Worm jgorneau 0 2 Horsehair Worm
Bald Eagle MrJohn 2 0 Bald Eagle
Thin-Legged Wolf Spider jgorneau 1 2 Thin-Legged Wolf Spider
Woolly Bear Moth Caterpillar (Isabella Tiger Moth) jgorneau 3 2 Woolly Bear Moth Caterpillar (Isabella Tiger Moth)
Spotting jgorneau 0 4 Spotting
Grass-veneer (Crambus sp.) jgorneau 1 1 Grass-veneer (Crambus sp.)
Chicory jgorneau 1 0 Chicory
Polyphemus Moth jgorneau 0 2 Polyphemus Moth
Red Darner Dragonfly jgorneau 0 4 Red Darner Dragonfly
Old-Fashioned Bleeding Heart jgorneau 4 4 Old-Fashioned Bleeding Heart
Groundhog jgorneau 1 6 Groundhog

Recently joined

Evergreen lizgrisaru TracyRobertSheerin Jacob Gorneau
JohnMullin MrJohn jimmyp1200 The great hibbardo
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