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Shorebirds of the Gulf Coast

Shorebirds of the Gulf Coast

Shorebirds include all birds in the order Charadriiformes: gulls, plovers, sandpipers,terns, etc. Please submit sitings of shorebirds from any locations bordering the Gulf of Mexico. For more information on the species in the order Charadriiformes check: Sign in to join mission

Shorebirds of the Gulf Coast
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Website 78 participants 500 spottings

Shorebirds (Charadriiformes) are mostly strong-flying birds of open country or open water, nesting on the ground and feeding on animal matter in or near water. The order is worldwide in distribution, and some species perform the most extensive migrations of any birds.

Shorebirds of the Gulf Coast

Lat: 26.44 Long: -84.17

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