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The Hoppers

The Hoppers

Add only Froghoppers/Spittle Bugs, Leafhoppers, Sharpshooters, Planthoppers, Lanternflies, Peanut-head flies, Treehoppers, Piglet Bugs and Cicada spottings. Do not add grasshoppers, crickets, katydids, frogs, spiders & other non Auchenorrhyncha suborder organisms. Please add detailed information of the habitat for the spotting. More importantly, the plant it was on, to help highlight what its food source is. Sign in to join mission

The Hoppers
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Website 866 participants 4,415 spottings

This is not for jumping organisms! This mission is focusing on the Auchenorrhyncha suborder (Free-living Hemipterans). This includes the superfamilies Cicadoidea (Cicadas, Leafhoppers, Froghoppers and Treehoppers) and Fulgoroidea (Planthoppers). This means no grasshoppers, crickets, katydids, frogs, spiders, etc. They are found all around the world and many are considered pests as they feed on plants and are vectors for plant diseases. I find them fascinating in their diversity and ability to mimic their surroundings. For more information on the Auchenorrhyncha suborder, visit

The Hoppers

Lat: 33.15 Long: -117.01

Recent Spottings

Tube Spittlebug John B. 2 1 Tube Spittlebug
Long-nosed Planthopper John B. 2 5 Long-nosed Planthopper
Horned Treehopper John B. 1 0 Horned Treehopper
Lined Spittlebug arne.roysland 2 0 Lined Spittlebug
Flatid Planthopper John B. 1 0 Flatid Planthopper
Issid Planthopper John B. 1 0 Issid Planthopper
Long-nosed Planthopper John B. 1 0 Long-nosed Planthopper
Two-marked Treehopper Nymph tomk3886 1 0 Two-marked Treehopper Nymph
Johnsongrass Sharpshooter tomk3886 1 0 Johnsongrass Sharpshooter
Long-nosed Planthopper John B. 1 0 Long-nosed Planthopper
Ricaniid Planthopper Nymph John B. 4 2 Ricaniid Planthopper Nymph
Tartessus Leafhopper John B. 2 0 Tartessus Leafhopper
Leafhopper nymph John B. 2 2 Leafhopper nymph
Planthopper arne.roysland 1 0 Planthopper
Flatid Planthopper (nymph) John B. 1 0 Flatid Planthopper (nymph)
Flatid Planthopper John B. 1 0 Flatid Planthopper
Ricaniid Planthopper John B. 2 0 Ricaniid Planthopper
Flatid Planthopper John B. 3 2 Flatid Planthopper
Issid Hopper John B. 0 2 Issid Hopper
Leafhopper John B. 1 0 Leafhopper
Coppery Leafhopper tomk3886 1 0 Coppery Leafhopper
Tube Spittlebug John B. 1 0 Tube Spittlebug
White-dotted Brown Leafhopper Leuba Ridgway 3 0 White-dotted Brown Leafhopper
Chicharrita periquito Bruchomorpha decorata piglet bug Rodolfo 1 0 Chicharrita periquito Bruchomorpha decorata piglet bug
Froghopper John B. 1 0 Froghopper
Derbid Plant Hopper tomk3886 1 0 Derbid Plant Hopper
Green Rice Leafhopper John B. 1 0 Green Rice Leafhopper
Speckled Sharpshooter tomk3886 2 0 Speckled Sharpshooter
Diamondback Spittlebug tomk3886 2 0 Diamondback Spittlebug
Citrus Flatid Planthopper tomk3886 1 0 Citrus Flatid Planthopper
Leaf Hopper tomk3886 1 0 Leaf Hopper
Glassy-winged Sharpshooter tomk3886 1 0 Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Long-nosed Leaf Hopper Francis Floe 2 0 Long-nosed Leaf Hopper
Glassy-winged Sharpshooter tomk3886 2 0 Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Keeled Treehopper Nymphs tomk3886 3 0 Keeled Treehopper Nymphs
Typical Treehopper tomk3886 1 0 Typical Treehopper
Issid Planthopper Nymph tomk3886 1 0 Issid Planthopper Nymph
Meadow Spittlebug arne.roysland 1 0 Meadow Spittlebug
Resonant Cicada tomk3886 1 0 Resonant Cicada
Hieroglyphic Cicada tomk3886 1 0 Hieroglyphic Cicada
Cicada Molting tomk3886 1 0 Cicada Molting
Scudder's Bush Katydid Nymph tomk3886 1 0 Scudder's Bush Katydid Nymph
Thorn Mimic Treehopper John B. 2 0 Thorn Mimic Treehopper
Ricaniid Planthopper with Eggs John B. 1 0 Ricaniid Planthopper with Eggs
Tartessus Leafhopper John B. 1 0 Tartessus Leafhopper
Keeled Treehopper tomk3886 1 0 Keeled Treehopper
Keeled Treehopper tomk3886 1 0 Keeled Treehopper
Long-nosed Planthopper John B. 2 0 Long-nosed Planthopper
Eggplant Horned Planthopper arne.roysland 7 1 Eggplant Horned Planthopper
Long-nosed Planthopper arne.roysland 2 0 Long-nosed Planthopper

Recently joined

ArisL brainpunk Rodolfo Frank Freeman
John B. Jerrick arne.roysland Francis Floe
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Matthew Hammond Raksha Richard Ong Jamie Grant
Roy Arun Katjusch Tukup hg_williams3
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