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0 0 Skunk Cabbage

Skunk Cabbage

by SusanRuffanerGahaganDayton, Pennsylvania, USA

Eastern Skunk Cabbage, Clumpfoot

1 0 Cabbage White

Cabbage White

by DaveWethNormal, Illinois, USA


0 0 Small White

Small White

by Malcolm Wilton-JonesComunitat Valenciana, Spain

Cabbage flower

1 0 Cabbage White Buttrrfly

Cabbage White Buttrrfly

by BkriptoPennsylvania, USA


0 3 Small Cabbage White

Small Cabbage White

by MartinUrbanWien, Wien, Austria

Kleiner Kohlweissling

5 2 Dainty Cabbage Bug

Dainty Cabbage Bug

by MartinUrbanWien, Wien, Austria

Zierliche Gemüse Wanze

1 2 Skunk Cabbage

Skunk Cabbage

by Phil_SMentor, Ohio, USA

Eastern Skunk Cabbage, Clumpfoot

2 0 Skunk Cabbage

Skunk Cabbage

by Christine Y.Connecticut, USA

Mottled purple, foul-smelling flowers of skunk

1 0 Skunk Cabbage

Skunk Cabbage

by MachiLehman Township, Pennsylvania, USA

This large patch with flowers was just starting to sprout leaves. The plant in ...

0 0 Small Cabbage White butterfly eggs

Small Cabbage White butterfly eggs

by GeodialistHybla Valley, Virginia, USA

A cluster of 43 Small Cabbage White ...

0 0 Large White

Large White

by BirgitteSør-Trøndelag, Norway

Also called Cabbage Butterfly. Often found ...

4 0 Small White

Small White

by bayuccaSumiswald, Bern - Berne, Switzerland

Small White (Pieris rapae), Cabbage ...

0 0 Cabbage White Butterfly

Cabbage White Butterfly

by daniel.dparsonsFort Collins, Colorado, USA

Whittish yellow butterfly with a black spot on wings.

0 0 Small Cabbage White butterfly on Cabbage Plants

Small Cabbage White butterfly on Cabbage Plants

by GeodialistHybla Valley, Virginia, USA

I spotted a Small Cabbage White butterfly ...

0 0 Checkered White (male)

Checkered White (male)

by gatorfellowsDenton, Texas, USA

The Checkered White (Pontia protodice), also called Southern

0 2 Eastern skunk cabbage

Eastern skunk cabbage

by mauna KunzahNYC, New York, USA

A waxy looking succulent plant. Young leaves are maroon and speckled with ...

1 4 Small Cabbage White Butterfly

Small Cabbage White Butterfly

by UrsulaLjubljana, Domžale, Slovenia

Citron-yellow butterfly with black spots

0 0 Cabbage White (female)

Cabbage White (female)

by Brian38Federal Way, Washington, USA

Upperside of wings white; forewing with black tip. Two submarginal black spots ...

0 0 Small Cabbage White Butterfly

Small Cabbage White Butterfly

by ESGrayOhio, USA

Seems these were accidentally introduced from Africa. They are a bit of a pest ...

0 2 Large White/Kapusov belin

Large White/Kapusov belin

by UrsulaDomžale, Zahodna Slovenija, Slovenia

Big white butterfly with black edge on top wing and big black spot.

6 6 Eastern Skunk Cabbage

Eastern Skunk Cabbage

by ForestDragonIslip, New York, USA

all over it. Green, cabbage-like leaves ...

0 1 Large White, Cabbage butterfly

Large White, Cabbage butterfly

by pamsaiLanguedoc-Roussillon, Tromelin Island

The Large White, Pieris brassicae, also called

1 0 Small White Butterfly

Small White Butterfly

by Christine Y.Connecticut, USA

The upperside is white with black tips on the forewings. Females have two black ...

7 5 Skunk Cabbage

Skunk Cabbage

by Christine Y.Connecticut, USA

The flowers of this plant emerge in early spring before the leaves. The entire ...

0 2 Lamb's Ear

Lamb's Ear

by GeodialistHybla Valley, Virginia, USA

Cabbage White butterflies (Pieris sp.), ...

0 1 Large White

Large White

by pamsaiCarcassonne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Tromelin Island

The Large White, Pieris brassicae, also called

0 0 Small white butterfly (male)

Small white butterfly (male)

by DoryreedEngland, United Kingdom

Medium sized white butterfly.

1 1 Cabbage White Butterflies

Cabbage White Butterflies

by CarolSnowMilnePennsylvania, USA

Small-medium butterfly. 1.5 inch (approximate) wingspan. White with black on ...

0 0 Common Looper Moth

Common Looper Moth

by CarolSnowMilnePennsylvania, USA

plants including bean, cabbage, dandelion. ...

0 0 Cabbage White Butterfly - Male

Cabbage White Butterfly - Male

by Mary15Pennsylvania, USA

White butterfly with black tip on fore wing. The male has one black spot and ...

0 0 Cabbage White Butterfly

Cabbage White Butterfly

by cinnamonkittiesHonolulu, Hawaii, USA

A white butterfly with a black dot on each wing

5 0 Barred Owl

Barred Owl

by marylou.wildlifeGeorgia, USA

Spotted on a low-hanging branch in Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, GA.

2 3 Pink-edged Sulphur

Pink-edged Sulphur

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

Pink-edged Sulphur Colias interior Yellow butterfly with black dots upon ...

0 0 Large White

Large White

by KristelGiebensSchilde, Vlaanderen, Belgium

also called Cabbage Butterfly,

1 1 Small white/small cabbage white

Small white/small cabbage white

by DanielePralongBlonay, Vaud, Switzerland

A small to medium-size butterfly from the Piridae family, with a creamy white ...

0 0 Small Cabbage White Butterfly

Small Cabbage White Butterfly

by CarolSnowMilnePennsylvania, USA

middle of forewing. Wingspan 32-47 mm (1.25 - 2 inches) Causes damage to ...

3 1 Cabbage White

Cabbage White

by SharonH446Springfield, Michigan, USA

because the caterpillars eat cabbage and ...

0 0 Checkered White        Southern Cabbage Butterfly

Checkered White Southern Cabbage Butterfly

by joanbstanleyDenton, Texas, USA

Upperside: Forewing of male with black checkered pattern on outer half, ...

2 2 Clouded Sulphur Butterfly - Colias philodice

Clouded Sulphur Butterfly - Colias philodice

by LonelyJewMichigan, USA

even the Cabbage White Butterfly.

0 0 Meadow White

Meadow White

by Mari du PreezPretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Keeps low to the ground where it often settles on low plants and feeds ...

8 5 Salt Marsh Moth

Salt Marsh Moth

by Carol Snow MilnePennsylvania, USA

including apples, cabbage, corn and ...

1 0 Cabbage Butterfly (The Large White)

Cabbage Butterfly (The Large White)

by ViSaranchaCroatia

agricultural areas, meadows and parkland. ...

0 0 Harlequin Bug

Harlequin Bug

by ChristineFisherOrange, California, USA

This is a true bug with sucking mouthparts. 3/8" long, proportioned like a ...

0 0 Skunk Cabbage/Swamp Lantern

Skunk Cabbage/Swamp Lantern

by lana.decleWhistler Resort Municipality, British Columbia, Canada

Robust, hairless perennial 30-150cm tall, from fleshy, upright underground ...

1 1 Large White

Large White

by Smith'sZooWestern Cape, South Africa

The wings are white, with black tips on the forewings of both males and ...

0 0 Cabbage Butterfly

Cabbage Butterfly

by PatriciaPiCalpe/Calp, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

The wings are white, with black tips on the forewings of both males and ...

0 0 Cabbage Butterfly

Cabbage Butterfly

by PatriciaPiCalpe/Calp, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

The wings are white, with black tips on the forewings of both males and ...

1 0 Cabbage Butterfly

Cabbage Butterfly

by PatriciaPiCalpe/Calp, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

The wings are white, with black tips on the forewings of both males and ...

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