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0 1 Spotting


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

1 2 Spotting


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 0 Spotting


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 0 Damselfly


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 0 Dragonfly


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 0 Dragonfly


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

1 0 Spotting


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

2 0 Damselfly


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

6 2 Sulawesi Faun

Sulawesi Faun

by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 1 Grey Pansy

Grey Pansy

by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 1 Bent-winged Bats

Bent-winged Bats

by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 2 Grass Yellow

Grass Yellow

by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

1 1 Wanderer


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 0 Dragonfly


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 2 Cruiser


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 1 Grey Pansy

Grey Pansy

by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 1 Puffins


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

2 1 Butterfly Moth

Butterfly Moth

by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

2 2 Dragonfly


by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

1 0 Moor Macaque

Moor Macaque

by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

0 0 Large flying fox

Large flying fox

by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

1 2 Weaver Ant Nest

Weaver Ant Nest

by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

2 0 Large flying Fox

Large flying Fox

by IanWongkarSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

The tree is Tamarindus indica

1 0 Great Orange Tip

Great Orange Tip

by IanWongkarMakassar, Indonesia

2 1 The Green Dragontail

The Green Dragontail

by IanWongkarMakassar, Indonesia

1 5 Horse


by AyukPiyukSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Indonesian Horse. Found it in a tribal forest of Kajang,

2 3 Spotting


by ArasandiSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

, this common moth in Sulawesi especially ...

2 0 Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby

by MbilungSulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

An adult of Red-footed Booby in Moromahu Island, Wakatobi,

2 0 Great Egg-fly (female)

Great Egg-fly (female)

by JordiPratsSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Females occurs in different forms. This female shows brown wings with White and ...

1 0 Indonesian Edellweis

Indonesian Edellweis

by AyukPiyukEnrekang, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

It's endemic in Indonesian mountain. Family of Asteraceae

2 2 Asian Black Spined Toad

Asian Black Spined Toad

by irwanjasmoroYogyakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Common toad species in Asia. It is found India,

3 0 Wreathed Hornbill

Wreathed Hornbill

by RonaldLoKota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

mainland south-east Asia and the Greater ...

1 4 Wreathed Hornbill

Wreathed Hornbill

by bhargav.pySingapore

mainland south-east Asia and the Greater ...

2 5 Bloodberry


by jts.panSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Toraja highlands, South

1 4 Giant Clam

Giant Clam

by MuckpukIndonesia

Enormous Clam, filtering the water. This was a whitish version. In the first 3 ...

1 0 Orange migrant

Orange migrant

by JordiPratsSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

About 60–65 millimetres long. The males have white forewings edged in black, ...

1 0 domestic Asian water buffalo

domestic Asian water buffalo

by JordiPratsSulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Albino Water buffalos are very appreciated for funeral sacrifices or Fighting ...

0 0 Magnificent Sea Anemone

Magnificent Sea Anemone

by JordiPratsSulawesi Utara, Indonesia

Green "fluorescent" tentacles.

1 0 White Sulawesi Moth

White Sulawesi Moth

by Phillip TorresVillavicencio, Meta, Colombia

A White small Moth with orange legs and big antennae

4 4 Unnamed spotting

Unnamed spotting

by ReginaldSalcedoLaguna, Philippines

A butterfly of the Hesperiidae family. It is found from

12 11 Spectacled Toad

Spectacled Toad

by dandoucetteBitung, Indonesia

Grows to about 20 cm (8 in) long, widely distributed in

1 0 Erebid Moth

Erebid Moth

by shekainah d. alabanMasbate, Masbate, Philippines

Ataboruza is a moth found in Asia, including Hong Kong, Sri Lanka,

2 1 Zebra Dove

Zebra Dove

by JohnTasirinSulawesi Utara, Indonesia

of the dove family Columbidae, native to

12 10 Peacock Pansy

Peacock Pansy

by KevinKaviGoa, India

is distributed from India and Sri Lanka to the Philippines, and ranges

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