A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
I was told that this is a kind of jasmine. ...
This tree is around 30 feet high The seed ...
Millingtonia hortensis, Tree
I found it was drying up its large wings under my
This frog was approximately 1.75 inches or 5 cm in length.
- Paper-like flower, pink, with thorns in steam.
Tall tree with trailing white flowers.
Murraya paniculata, commonly called orange
This group consists of 400 species of tropical, evergreen
A twining, evergreen vine, 10-20 ft. long, that will climb
Medium -sized tree. Leaves feel like sand ...
Around 8 inches from side wingtips.
Crape jasmine, a shrub very common in ...
Vine with lance shaped leaves, growing up trunks of small understory bushes and ...
Thin green stalks about 20cm high with white blossoms.
cemeteries. It grows as a spreading tree ...
As suggested by the common name it eats privet leaves as well as ash
trees and shrubs and holds around 500 ...
Shrub with oval dark-green leaves. Flower star-like, with five pure-white ...
trees and shrubs and holds around 500 ...
of the night. Nyctanthes arbortristis literally means, night-blooming sad ...
Twining vine that can grow to 3–6 m high when given suitable climbing support ...