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0 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

a western

0 0 Western Painted Turtles

Western Painted Turtles

by Kate & ChrisKirkland, Washington, USA

several Western

1 0 Painted Turtle

Painted Turtle

by NeilDazetMissouri, USA

Basking on a log in a small pond.

0 0 Western painted turtle

Western painted turtle

by Nathan KutokCary, Illinois, USA

Found basking

0 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by FieldConservationSaanich, British Columbia, Canada


3 3 Western Painted Turtle (Young Deceased)

Western Painted Turtle (Young Deceased)

by Joseph R. GodreauMichigan, USA

I found this young deceased Painted

0 8 western painted turtle

western painted turtle

by CodyBoyerGreen Bay, Wisconsin, USA

1 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by hammyhamhammerNorth Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

1 0 Western Painted turtles

Western Painted turtles

by Tania2Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

1 3 Western painted turtle

Western painted turtle

by Chloe2007Palouse, Washington, USA

0 0 Western painted turtle

Western painted turtle

by ksridefreyManhattan, Kansas, USA

0 0 Western painted turtle

Western painted turtle

by jess.m.paulsonFridley, Minnesota, USA

0 2 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by Jessica43Grand Rapids, Minnesota, USA

Awesome find.

0 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by Jessica43Grand Rapids, Minnesota, USA

Another painted

1 0 Western painted turtle

Western painted turtle

by AnthonyZiurBrooklyn Park, Minnesota, USA

Brooklyn park MN

0 1 Painted Turtle

Painted Turtle

by dferris

Two subspecies of painted

7 4 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by EmilyMarinoLakewood, Colorado, USA

Nothing like a little turtle yoga to start ...

0 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by Grace MillerOrlando, Florida, USA

A large black and yellow turtle.

1 0 Painted Turtle

Painted Turtle

by NeilDazetNYC, New York, USA

This is either the midland sub-species (marginata) or the

1 5 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by Emma Tulare, California, USA

slider,the turtle in front of it looks ...

0 1 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by Kat VHMoscow, Idaho, USA

Found in the University of Idaho arboretum

2 0 Eastern painted turtle

Eastern painted turtle

by briantweaverNew Hampshire, USA

10-11 in long

0 0 Western painted turtle

Western painted turtle

by jess.m.paulsonFridley, Minnesota, USA

Laying eggs just outside the front door to the nature center!

3 4 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by EmilyMarinoColorado, USA

Not the greatest pictures but still a cool find!

0 0 Western painted turtle

Western painted turtle

by ShouCoquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

In a marshy lake surrounded by wooded park.

3 2 Painted Turtles

Painted Turtles

by Tom15Bolton, Massachusetts, USA

The painted

6 3 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by Steve LenzWashington, USA

The largest subspecies is the western

1 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by Tamarac ConnieMinnesota, USA

The Painted

1 0 Eastern painted turtle

Eastern painted turtle

by Maria dBChapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

These are the most common turtle in North ...

2 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by AshleyTDenver, Colorado, USA

Bright red markings on an otherwise drab

0 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by shaunnalfBrandon, Manitoba, Canada

Turtle swimming in the Souris river under ...

4 3 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by EmilyMarinoLakewood, Colorado, USA

Small turtle with red and yellow stripe ...

0 0 Western Painted Turtles

Western Painted Turtles

by daniel.dparsonsAnaheim, California, USA

Small to large turtle that is green with ...

3 1 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by eelhsamarieOntario, Canada

shell, the Southern Painted

3 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by Brian38Washington, USA

its bottom shell which often has a red hue - especially on the front edge. The ...

2 2 Painted Turtle

Painted Turtle

by marylou.wildlifeGeorgia, USA

(I am a huge sucker for baby turtles). It ...

1 0 Painted Turtle

Painted Turtle

by uscg4funMinnesota, USA

The painted

1 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by Tamarac ConnieMinnesota, USA

This painted

1 0 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by Tamarac ConnieRochert, Minnesota, United States

This painted

1 2 Painted Turtle

Painted Turtle

by Noe and PiliIthaca, New York, USA

The adult painted

3 1 Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted Turtle

by NeilDazetMissouri, USA

A series of photos of a painted

1 10 Western Painted turtle

Western Painted turtle

by Emma California, USA

These love to bask in the sun and dive off as soon as they see a human.

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