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Peaceful leaf beetle

Paropsisterna irina


About 10mm body length. Almost pure black.


On a bbq wall in a local nature reserve. Wicks.


Thanks Martinl for the species ID

1 Species ID Suggestions

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Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 9 years ago

Thanks again... even got a species common name !!

MartinL 9 years ago

Mark, I always knew this beetle but have discovered its correct name by checking the pinned collection in the Museum. Some are quite mixed up and ambuguous (meaning incorrect) but this one is simple.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 9 years ago

Thanks Martin. I agree not like morio.

MartinL 9 years ago

Nice beetle. This is different to morio which is more rotund and has very finely punctured striae.
I find them under bark.
I expect them to be nocturnal like the similar P. lineata

Mark Ridgway
Spotted by
Mark Ridgway

Victoria, Australia

Spotted on Jan 1, 2015
Submitted on Jan 6, 2015

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