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Ruby-throated hummingbird

Archilochus colubris


No flash or artificial light was used to make these captures, only the light of the sun. Photographed in my yard, on date of spotting.

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Mona Pirih
Mona Pirih 11 years ago

Beautiful captures.... I love it...

Ali Hemati Pour
Ali Hemati Pour 11 years ago


williefromwi 12 years ago

Thank you so much SatyenMehta

Wild Things
Wild Things 12 years ago

Lovely series!

williefromwi 12 years ago

Thanks Marya, I enjoy watching and trying to photograph the hummingbirds I see in my yard. I am especially pleased with my last sighting with the hummingbirds at the flowers.

MayraSpringmann 12 years ago

Fantastic capture Willie!!

williefromwi 12 years ago

Thanks IsabellaFiers, LyndseyD, tibiprada, MaryEvans2, and birdlady6000, I truly appreciate your comments.

IsabellaFiers 12 years ago

Amazing !!

LyndseyD 12 years ago

Again, absolutely amazing Mr. Joers!!

tibiprada 12 years ago

williefromwi ; Thanks for the info... DSLR makes sense . I'm not there yet :-(
but I hope a B-Day's subliminal message gets me one :-)

Thanks for sharing

MaryEvans2 12 years ago

Stunning spot and photos

birdlady6000 12 years ago


williefromwi 12 years ago

Tibiprada, estoy usando una Nikon D300s, pero honestamente cualquier persona con cualquier cámara réflex digital y el conocimiento de que la cámara puede recibir inyecciones de este tipo o mejor. Si está utilizando una cámara réflex digital de cualquier tipo que usted puede recibir inyecciones de esta manera. Si usted tiene una cámara réflex digital y desean enviarme un correo electrónico, estoy más que dispuesto a darle algunos pensamientos y ajuste de la cámara que uso para los tiros de vuelo o planos estáticos. No disparar en automático, y el control más o menos en mi configuración de la cámara, y se mueven tan a menudo como fuera necesario, antes de hacer las capturas. Por lo general minutos antes de la captura, ya que estoy revisar regularmente la iluminación, y hacer pequeños cambios como las condiciones lo ameritan. Bendita seas mi amigo, gracias por preguntar. El conocimiento que tengo, me es grato compartir.

williefromwi 12 years ago

Thank you, MaithiliSave, CarolSnowMilne,
AntónioGinjaGinja, AshishNimkar and tibiprada for your nice comments.

Tibiprada, I am using a Nikon D300s, but honestly anyone with any DSLR camera and the knowledge of that camera can get shots like this or better. If you are using a DSLR of any type you can get shots like this. If you have a DSLR and wish to email me, I am more then willing to give you a few thoughts and camera setting I use for flight shots or static shots. I do not shoot in auto, and I pretty much control on my camera setting, and move them as often as need be, before I make the captures. Generally minutes before the capture, as I am regularly checking lighting, and making small changes as conditions warrant. Be blessed my friend, thanks for asking. The knowledge I have, I gladly share.

tibiprada 12 years ago

Hermosisimo... Nice shot ! flying birds aren't t easy ...
What camera you used? if not a secret.

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 12 years ago

Excellent details of such tiny and cute bird.

AntónioGinjaGinja 12 years ago

no comments :))

CarolSnowMilne 12 years ago

Gorgeous photos! Great job!

MaithiliSave 12 years ago


Spotted by

Wisconsin, USA

Spotted on Jun 6, 2012
Submitted on Jun 9, 2012

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