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Rock Bunting; Escribano montesino

Emberiza cia


Male. 16cm in length. The breeding male has chestnut upperparts, unmarked deep buff underparts, and a pale grey head marked with black striping. The female Rock Bunting is a washed-out version of the male, with paler underparts, a grey-brown back and a less contrasted head. The juvenile is similar to the female, but with a streaked head.


Spotted at riverine forest. Mediterranean forest. Parque Nacional de Monfragüe.


Camera Model: NIKON D300. Exposure Time: 1/200 sec.; f/7.1; ISO Speed Rating: 800. Exposure Bias: 0 EV. Focal Length: 300.0 mm. No flash fired

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Extremadura, Spain

Spotted on May 14, 2016
Submitted on Jul 4, 2016

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