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Orange pore Fungus

Favolaschia calocera


Orange fungus ,with a beautiful "design" in the gills.Its a invasive species from Australia and New Zeland,i think it arrive here with some imported trees,that iam going to trie to ID in spring when leaves show .up.


In a little forest of a unknowned tree,that grow a bit like a bush plant,a few km from my house.Its second time i spotted in Braga district and its relatively rare in Portugal.


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35 Comments (1–25)

Thanks Hema,imagine my surprise when i saw them,it's a invasive species and very rare in europe,the patterns are beautiful.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 4 years ago

This is spectacular!!

Thanks very much for your nice words Mustafa,imagine my surprise when i saw it the first time,i only know it from a spotting here in Project Noah and it was from australia,so when i found it i was just astonishing to find it in the other side of the world :)

Mustafa Rustom
Mustafa Rustom 6 years ago

Very interesting spotting, nice honeycomb pattern under the cap, also the top of the cap is very nice. The color is amazing as well, loved everything about this mushroom.

maplemoth662 6 years ago

Your welcome, AntonioGinjaGinja....

Thanks maplemoth662 for your nice words

maplemoth662 6 years ago

Photos No. 1, and 2: are two, beautiful, colorful photos....beautiful colors....

maplemoth662 6 years ago

Photo No. 6: is a beautiful, landscape photo....

Thanks Ingrid3,did you solve your problem?

Jamie Grant
Jamie Grant 6 years ago

I have been having account and other issues recently, use the contact option at the bottom of the page and tell Project Noah- they fixed my problem really quick and replied quick!

Ingrid3 6 years ago

This is beautiful! can someone please get who ever is incharge FIX MY ACCOUNT so i can use it? I have over a thousand photos on it and when ever i take a break i get back on and its UNUSUABLE, its really stressful to have this happen all the time, thanks.

Thanks again to all of you, for your great comments.

Felix Fleck
Felix Fleck 6 years ago

Beautiful pics! Congrats, António.

Christine Y.
Christine Y. 6 years ago

Congratulations António!

Maria dB
Maria dB 6 years ago

Congratulations, Antonio!

Brian38 6 years ago

Congrats Antonio!

@Thanks danièle and my fellow Rangers for the honor :-)
@Obrigado Sergio abraços
@Thanks armadeus.4

armadeus.4 6 years ago

Congratulations Antonio!!!

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 6 years ago

Parabéns, Antonio. Muito merecido mesmo! Abraços.

DanielePralong 6 years ago

Congratulations António, this most interesting series has been voted Spotting of the Week:

"Just as plants and animals, fungi can spread through global commercial exchanges and have the potential to become invasive species. Such is the case of the Orange Pore Fungus (Favolaschia calocera), our Spotting of the Week. First described from Madagascar and South East Asia, and then observed in New Zealand in 1969, it was later reported in Australia, China, Kenya, and Reunion Island. In Europe it first appeared in Italy in 1999, and has since been found in several countries including France, Switzerland, the UK, Spain and Portugal. It is now considered an invasive species throughout much of its expanded range, and its spreading is being monitored as it is feared it may displace native fungi species. This spotting was praised for the quality of its documentation, including multiple shots of all aspects of the fungus".



Thanks Maria for your nice words

Maria dB
Maria dB 6 years ago

Nice series with all the different views of the fungus

Thanks Christine for your kind words,its second time i find One ,still very rare arround,but i think he will spread very quickly

Christine Y.
Christine Y. 6 years ago

Very beautiful!

@Thanks Mark,now iam realy interested in find the ID of the tree where the fungus was growing and iam going also to talk with my friends in the facebook mushrroms groups so we can compared our sittings , so we can gather more info about how they arrive here
@Thanks Amadeus.4 for your nice words
@Thanks Leuba normaly invasive species are bad for the new environement where they arrived,but other"invasions" are "absorved" without major problems(we have some bird invasive species that dont bring any problem) but we never know,the better is to not spread species arround the globe,is more safe for all,but they are beautiful :-)
@Yeah my friend iam the mushroom man,it would be a great cotume for Carnaval :) desgized of a Amanita Muscaria :-)

Real, Braga, Portugal

Spotted on Dec 30, 2017
Submitted on Feb 8, 2018

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