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Eastern Amberwing Dragonfly (male)

Perithemis tenera


Eastern Amberwing Dragonfly is 3/4 to 1 inch long with a wingspan of 1 and 3/4 inches. The dragonfly is mainly a yellowish brown color; it has a yellow face with a brown thorax and brownish yellow abdomen. Its wings, as said in the name, are amber colored with red stigmas. These tow had been perching on the stem that was recently taken by the Common Whitetail. They kept trying but could not get the bigger dragonfly to move.


This is a city maintained retention pond.


Returned to this pond to evaluate the impact of a two consecutive days of aerial spraying for West Nile. Water level in the retention pond is down several inches.

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Denton, Texas, USA

Spotted on Sep 6, 2012
Submitted on Sep 9, 2012

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