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Saint Andrew's Cross Spider

Argiope keyserlingi


The blue white cross structure is a feature of many of this species' webs although not all. This web is exceptional for its thickness. 16mm female. The rest of their web is a simple orb and females do not leave their webs.


This specimen was against a fibro wall in an undisturbed position beneath trees and behind a building. There were more than thirty large webs above a garden 20m long of potted Bromeliad. Coastal sandy loam near surf beaches. Salt laden winds but protected in a well established garden area


This photo was taken as the structure in the web is many times the thickness of other similar structures. It also continues beneath her body. There were hundreds of this kind of web built throughout that yard complex and none ever equalled this one in the mass and thickness of the structural component

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2262, New South Wales, Australia

Spotted on Nov 21, 2005
Submitted on Dec 13, 2012

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