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Strange 'fish lure' looking moth.

Species ID Suggestions

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bayucca 5 years ago

Yes, Sesiidae, Melittia sp.
Might be the same one as in the link, but not really sure.

maplemoth662 6 years ago

A very beautiful Moth....

Emily Newman
Emily Newman 7 years ago

Actually, not a sphinx moth as the previous two people suggested. This is a type of clearwing moth (Sesiidae), probably one from the Melittia genus. I'm not familiar with species outside the US, but doing some searching and Melittia sangaica sangaica looks pretty close to me. But, I'm not an expert, so I'm not 100% sure about the exact species.

LaurenZarate 8 years ago

Yes, beautiful little Sphinx and so unusual.

Felix Fleck
Felix Fleck 8 years ago

Very interesting! Looks like it could be a hawk moth of the Sphingidae family.

Reza Hashemizadeh
Spotted by
Reza Hashemizadeh

काठमाडौं, मध्यमाञ्चल विकास क्षेत्र, Nepal

Spotted on Sep 14, 2015
Submitted on Jul 24, 2016

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