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Coopers Hawk

Accipiter cooperii

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cranbrook-sda-youth1 11 years ago

Glen, would you mind adding this cooper's hawk to my mission Hawks of British Columbia?

KarenSaxton 11 years ago

It does, Glen! Thank you!

Gatorfellows: I commented on your spotted and I LOVE that page. Thank you!

Glen Marks
Glen Marks 11 years ago

KarenSaxton, the last photo added is the last of them, not sure it helps.

gatorfellows 11 years ago

I agree with Karen and think this spotting looks lke a juvenile Cooper's. Here is a good reference to compare:
Karen; here is one for you to practice those ID skills on
I assumed it was the same Cooper's I spotted earlier in the week, Jellis took a closer look and suggested Sharp-shinned. I just switched, but would like to know what you think. :)

KarenSaxton 11 years ago

Do you have a photo with the tip of the tail included? I"ve been working on my ID skills for this and the sharp shinned hawk. This looks like a juvenile coopers.

Glen Marks
Spotted by
Glen Marks

West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Spotted on Sep 5, 2012
Submitted on Feb 20, 2013

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