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Brown creeper

Certhia americana


Adults are brown on the upperparts with light spotting, resembling a piece of tree bark, with white underparts. They have a long thin bill with a slight downward curve and a long stiff tail used for support as the bird creeps upwards. The male creeper has a slightly larger bill than the female. The Brown creeper is 11.7-13.5 cm long (4.6-5.3 in). (information from Wikipedia)


Wooded area


This marks the first brown creeper I've ever seen in the wild. I know these photos are terrible but they're the best I could manage today. I will hopefully replace them with a better spotting in the future.

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Aaron_G 11 years ago

Thanks, Alice. They're a little blown out because I wasn't ready for this bird. I had to try and dial in my aperture and shutter speed on the fly, and it was only moving up higher by the second.

alicelongmartin 11 years ago

They are not terrible, it is simply that the bird blends so well with the tree. Nice job!

Spotted by

Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA

Spotted on Mar 9, 2013
Submitted on Mar 9, 2013

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