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Pseudodirphia Moth

Pseudodirphia agis


Found on the kitchen of my grandma, on a mountainous region in a transition between Cerrado an Atlantic Forest.

1 Species ID Suggestions

John B.
John B. a year ago
Transverse Moth
Pseudodirphia regia (Draudt, 1930) Pseudodirphia regia · iNaturalist

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John B.
John B. a year ago

Hi LeonardoMB,
Thank you for letting me know that you found the right Pseudodirphia. It is always nice when everything works out. Now, we both know the species and everyone, in Project Noah, has your spotting as a reference point if they come across the same moth.

LeonardoMB a year ago

Hey John B.
Already helped a lot.
The "Pseudodirphia agis" is the one for my region.
Thanks for guide me.

John B.
John B. a year ago

Hi LeonardoMB,
I am slightly uncertain of my I.D. suggestion, because I have never seen one of these before and there are so many species, but I think that if it is not exactly correct, it must surely be in the right "ballpark". I noticed that you are a biollogist. So, I'm sure you can sort it out :-)

Spotted by

São Paulo, Brazil

Spotted on Nov 10, 2023
Submitted on Nov 15, 2023

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