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Dark Palm Dart

Telicota bambusae

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18 Comments, thanks a lot for your advice. I will look into them. But I don't think I will be buying a macro lens soon. Their price is far high than I can ever think of affording lol. But I will remember your words when I finally buy one.

jazz.mann 2 years ago

HI Rithmini: OK, I understand why you want a macro, but you should know that macro is not a well defined term in photography. I have a Canon 70-300mm macro lens. this lens a long telephoto with a lot of magnification (as is yours) and is great for stuff far away like birds, or closer and small. But even though it is a macro and I use it for close ups of flowers and such, it cannot focus at closer than 1.5 meters, which is not close enough for the example you cited. so dont just look for a macro, look at the minimum focusing distance. now if you get a lens that is less telephoto, more wide-angle, like the canon 24-105mm zoom or canon 18-135mm zoom, you can focus as close as 0.4m which should suit your needs. the 18-135mm is about the same price ($600USD new, less used) as the other one and is more wide angle at the low end and more telephoto at the high end, so I would recommend that. finally, "macro" lenses can focus just fine at long distances, but if they are more wide angle like the 18-135 they cannot get you as close to far away things as a 75-300mm lens. good luck!

@Sahana Me too. They are widespread throughout the country and some are confined to dry zones so I have to go there if I hope to see them. Maybe I'll go next year when I'm done with O/Ls. We only have few Blues here :(
I asked about my cam yesterday from my father. He has bought the cam and the lens separately. The lens is a Canon 75-300mm. The cam is Canon 1010D or something, but I'm not using the original lens that came with it. The original lens isn't meant for wildlife photography. Hi there! Good to see you again. Why I wish to buy a macro lens is because I have the experience of a butterfly landing just in front of me and the focus distance is not enough and it flies away once I try to get into a correct position. It's absolutely frustrating! But you're correct. It will be harder to focus on long distances with a macro lens.

jazz.mann 2 years ago

By the way, also note that even though lenses with higher magnification usually cannot focus as close up as lower magnificaiton lenses, there is less need for this since with the magnification, you can position yourself further and still zoom in very close to the subject. I use a Canon 70-300mm (the higher mm the more magnification), with image stabilization on my Canon 70D for all my wildlife photos. I also suggest that you add your spottings to the Biodiversity of Sri Lanka "mission" and check out the other photos there. I myself have been to Sri Lanka 5 times and absolutely loved it.

jazz.mann 2 years ago

Hi all: telephoto lenses refer to magnification. in other words they make far away objects appear closer. macro is a different thing. this refers to the ability of the lens to focus at close distances. but they are not unrelated. usually the more magnifcation equates to the need to be further away to achieve focus, however there are some relatively high magnification telephoto lenses that are also rated as macro and allow for closer focusing distance as well (but they tend to be more expensive vs typical telephoto lenses).

Sahana Vajirasena
Sahana Vajirasena 2 years ago

Yeah but only few blues here. I would love to see them all.

Yamfly too even though it doesn't have even a hint if blue

You have! Ceruleans, Pointed ciliate blue, Zebra blue and Plains cupid are Blues.

Sahana Vajirasena
Sahana Vajirasena 2 years ago

hmm we don't have Blues here. i haven't come across one yet

I'm sure you will learn it all quickly. I don't know that much about photography... And my lens is not a macro one I think. It's a tele lens. Gotta but a macro one asap. It's hard to capture little ones from this. Specially blues and they are my favourite.

Sahana Vajirasena
Sahana Vajirasena 2 years ago

but still have lot to learn abt digital photography

Sahana Vajirasena
Sahana Vajirasena 2 years ago

ah ok, i bought one today. Canon 2000D II with a macro lens.

Um I'm not sure... Tbh this is not my own camera but my father's. Since he doesn't use it, I use it as my own one lol
I'll ask him and let you know later.

Sahana Vajirasena
Sahana Vajirasena 2 years ago

Thank You. Rithmini , what is the DSLR camera ur using?

Ornithoptera80 2 years ago

I would agree with the Dark Palm Dart.

I think it's dark pal dart. yellow pd has a slightly different pattern on the forewing upperside.

Sahana Vajirasena
Sahana Vajirasena 2 years ago

Is this a yellow palm dart?

Sahana Vajirasena
Sahana Vajirasena 2 years ago

Dark palm dart or Yellow palm dart?

Sahana Vajirasena
Spotted by
Sahana Vajirasena

Central Province, Sri Lanka

Spotted on Oct 5, 2021
Submitted on Oct 5, 2021

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