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Red-eyed treesnake

Siphlophis compressus


Very vivid color's snake, thin body, orange head,red eyes, yellow around the neck, most of the body is red, with black bars in the upper part or the body, (not all around it) I estimated this specimen is close to 20 cm long. Found it close to an small body of water probably searching for frogs or lizards. I decided not to take more pictures to make sure I was not going to interrupt that special moment. First and only time seen this nocturnal species.


Rainforest, South pacific of Costa Rica. Found from Brazil up to Costa Rica, been my country the further north it is found.


The ssp name compressus comes from the Latin compressare which means "compress or press", probably in reference to its elongated and laterally compressed body. (Translated I just hear from a friend that they lay their eggs inside the leaf-cutter ant 's nest.

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That's right Mark. Long time without visiting the south of the country, and generally a lot of good wildlife everywhere.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 3 years ago

Fantastic. You're in biologists heaven there.

Ornithoptera80 4 years ago

Those colors are incredible, thanks for sharing.

Jonathan Sequeira
Spotted by
Jonathan Sequeira

Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica

Spotted on Jul 20, 2008
Submitted on Jun 5, 2020

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