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Swallowtail (Μαχάων)

Papilio machaon gorganus


Papilio machaon (Old World Swallowtail) and Iphiclides podalirius (Scarce Swallowtail), like many other butterfly species, were named after Homer's Iliad heroes. In Greece, both these two species are commonly called "Doctors", because Asclepius's sons Machaon and Podalirius were the doctors of the Greek army, dyring the Troy expedition. This machaon Swallowtail was spotted at the flowered beachside in Agia Marina Stylida, Greece.

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DespinaTsafetopoulou 11 years ago

Thank you dear @Injica :)

injica 11 years ago

Great spotting of this beautiful butterfly!

Agia Marina, Greece

Spotted on Apr 6, 2013
Submitted on Apr 7, 2013

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