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American Mink

Neovison vison


An American Mink bringing home, enough to feed a family in this case


In and around the river in areas that stay open all winter


We first saw this fellow running or lopping across the road. We lost him for a short time in the foliage near the river but later found it in a tree, hiding I believe. Once it deemed it safe to come down, it went down to the open area of river and started fishing. This is a series I took after watching it previously bring up a much smaller fish and run off with it into the reeds and cattails below us, alongside the river. I was amazed at the size of the fish compared to the size of the mink. When it first came out of the water it got up on the ice, set down its catch and gave a mighty shake. After shaking the water from its fur it paused to look around and sniff the air and then proceeded to run towards us/its burrow with the fish held securely in its mouth. It seemed to know we were there and, since we hadn't tried to steal its previous catch, deemed it safe to bring the larger catch home to its den or den's entrance directly below us. We sat and watched this particular Mink for over 45 minutes before it entered deeper water and was lost to our sight.

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63 Comments (1–25)

JanelleL.Streed 10 years ago

Thank you so much, Sam10! :-)

Sam10 10 years ago

Great bit of behaviour captured there!

JanelleL.Streed 11 years ago

Thank you, RosalieLandt! :-))

RosalieLandt 11 years ago

Sweet capture!

JanelleL.Streed 11 years ago

Thank you sooo much Liam, Cheryl Lee, MayraSpringmann, Sarala Jeevanthi, elaphrus, Jakubko, Telse, Maria dB, tibiprada and DonnaBollenbach! :-)

DonnaBollenbach 11 years ago

Wonderful series. Looks like the mink has a good size catch.Congratulations on the National Geographic Spotting of the Week!

tibiprada 11 years ago

♥ ♥ ♥

Maria dB
Maria dB 11 years ago

Great series - congratulations!

Telse 11 years ago

Nice! Way to go Janelle!

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 11 years ago

Beautiful series! Congratulations on National Geographic Spotting of the Week!

elaphrus 11 years ago

What a great capture!


MayraSpringmann 11 years ago

Great séries!

Cheryl Lee
Cheryl Lee 11 years ago

What a wonderful series of pictures!

Liam 11 years ago

Great spotting, Janelle! Congrats on SOTW.

JanelleL.Streed 11 years ago

islandgirl5429-Thank you so much. There are six in this series plus another 5 or 6 I posted of the same mink prior to it catching the Crappie, a video I need to upload to YouTube and about 80 more images of him or her...To say we had fun watching it would be a gross understatement. "-)

islandgirl5429 11 years ago

What an amazing photo. Great find!

JanelleL.Streed 11 years ago

Thank you so much LisaPowers, nursejurs and Environaut Lex! :-)

Environaut Lex
Environaut Lex 11 years ago

The experience of a life time!

nursejurs 11 years ago


LisaPowers 11 years ago

Thanks for sharing such an amazing spotting. Your patience and hard work clearly paid off here. I wish more people would sit and observe wildlife rather than taking a photo and moving on to the next thing.

JanelleL.Streed 11 years ago

Thank you so much, cranbrook-sda-youth1!!

JanelleL.Streed 11 years ago

Thank you so much Reza Hashemizadeh, long-island15, Fyn Kynd, Carol Snow Milne, johniguerin, Ajwerko, Leuba, Argy Bee and Sachin Zaveri!!!

Sachin Zaveri
Sachin Zaveri 11 years ago

Congratulations Janelle ! wonderful series,

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 11 years ago

Congrats. Beautiful spotting.

Spotted by

Minnesota, USA

Spotted on Apr 4, 2013
Submitted on Apr 10, 2013

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