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Morning Glory species

Ipomoea species


Vining plant overall spread of 15ft by 20ft. Dark purple trumpet like flower 3-3.5inches in diameter.


Full sun growing in dry roadside right of way.

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Mick G
Mick G 10 years ago

Ron Good points. These grow directly in the sand in the beach. Bad shot, I agree. Not my typical nor typical to take only one. Took with cell. I'll keep a look out and see if they are around still. This was in March so I think they should still be there and in bloom still.

Ron Kushner
Ron Kushner 10 years ago

Could be Ipomoea indica or Ipomoea nil...not enough details of the sepals in the photo for anyone to make a totally positive ID...

Mick G
Spotted by
Mick G

Boynton Beach, Florida, USA

Spotted on Mar 28, 2014
Submitted on Mar 28, 2014

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