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Basket Stinkhorn

Phallus indusiatus


The basket stinkhorn, first of all, stinks. Which is really surprising, considering its name. I won't even attempt to describe the odor, for fear you just had lunch. Apart from stinking, it is also extremely beautiful. If you manage to get over the smell. But this beauty is only enjoyable for sometimes even just half-a-day, after which it starts decomposing and releasing its spores. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have managed to see this rare treasure of the forest.


By the side of a path, sunny. After a heavy rainfall.

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duttagupta35504 10 years ago

Thank you Neil! I can't claim credit for the spotting itself-- I was with a nature walk-- and the lighting was extremely lucky. This was the one patch of sunlight on the entire trail.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

A beautiful, natural abstract. Excellent spotting and great photography. The light is exquisite, and yes, they do stink!

duttagupta35504 10 years ago

Thank you Yasser and thank you for the confirmation, EduHerNav.

Yasser 10 years ago


EduHerNav 10 years ago

Phallus indusiatus is the current and accepted name :)

duttagupta35504 10 years ago

Oh, thank you! I was using another website.

RandyL. 10 years ago

I believe the name Dictyophora indusiata is deprecated, the accepted name now is Phallus indusiatus.

Spotted by

Singapore, Singapore

Spotted on Apr 26, 2014
Submitted on Apr 26, 2014

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