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Common Mormon ♂

Papilio polytes


Large, black and white butterfly, this one is a male. Compared to females , the males are less colorful. The dorsal side of the hind and forewing is mostly black but with a neat row of white spots around the bottom area, the head is also spotted. The ventral side is more vibrant, with more white spots mostly on the forewing, also with oranges and red. When I shined light on its wings, thousands of bright scales are exposed. This species is known to mimic other Papilio species that are unpalatable for most predators.


Found it on a ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia), I spotted it at dusk so it was just about to rest. It is widespread throughout South, Southeast and some parts of East Asia. They prefers lightly wooded country, but is present everywhere and high up into the hills. It is a regular visitor to gardens, being especially abundant in orchards of its food plants—oranges and limes. It is most common in the monsoon and post-monsoon months.


I've made several spottings of the same species in their different life stages: Caterpillar (Younger stage) Caterpillar (Older stage) Chrysalis Female

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Francis Floe
Francis Floe 11 months ago

Thank you!

ArisL 11 months ago

That's a beautiful spotting! Love it.

Francis Floe
Spotted by
Francis Floe

Iloilo City, Western Visayas, Philippines

Spotted on Nov 27, 2021
Submitted on Jun 6, 2023

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