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Atlantic Puffin (gathering nest material)

Fratercula arctica


At this moment of the year the puffins are building their nests inside burrows that they make in the soft grass near the cliffs of Hermaness, in Unst. To see tham at a foot distance is best to visit them this time of the year and in asunny not too windy day (easier said than done).

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The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago

Ahora ya estamos conectadas por FB- En cuanto tenga un ratito te escribo y te cuento los detalles del viaje. Me alegra que vayas a visitar Escocia, es un sitio maravilloso!

PatriciaPi 10 years ago

estoy enamorada de Escocia! mi mejor amigo es escocés, y mis dos mejores amigas se han marchado a vivir allí, así que voy a estar mucho por aquellos lares.
Ya he estado dos veces, y aunque esta vez voy en invierno (si, debe ser el infierno helado para los alicantinos) me gustaría salir al campo a ver que me encuentro!
ya me cuentas, y muchas gracias!

The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago

Hola Patricia! Muchas gracias por gustarte mis fotos..Anda que no camine yo ni nada para verlos..jaja! :-)
Buscame en Facebook, hazme amiga y asi te mando un email y te cuento como lo hicimos. Escocia toda es magnifica para quien le guste la naturaleza y con una sola vez no es suficiente. Yo quiero volver :-)

PatriciaPi 10 years ago

No me pueden gustar mas los frailecillos!!!
Una pregunta Marta, te costo mucho llegar a las islas (tiempo y dinero)?
vuelvo estas navidades a Escocia, y no me quiero ir sin ver a estos pajaruelos!
gracias! una foto chulisima, como siempre!

The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago

Thanks, Mayra! :-)

MayraSpringmann 10 years ago


The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago

Wow! if you still live in Papua is a big distance to Scotland but I guess if you head close to the Artic there are plenty other places where you will be able to observe these beauties :-)

JeffCrocombe 10 years ago

Gorgeous! One of my favourite birds. One day I will get to see one in the wild.

The MnMs
The MnMs 11 years ago

Gracias Noe, tienes que visitar un dia las Shetland. Es un paraiso para birdwatchers :-)

Noe and Pili
Noe and Pili 11 years ago

Wow! Amazing...

Mona Pirih
Mona Pirih 11 years ago

Beautiful series !! I love Puffin :)

PieterColpaert 11 years ago

Beautiful pictures Marta!! Love this bird!

KarenL 11 years ago

Wonderful captures Marta!

Caleb Steindel
Caleb Steindel 11 years ago

nice series and great video marta!

Debbie Stewart
Debbie Stewart 11 years ago

Thanks Marta, I have been to Shetland but a long time ago when I was little, we also have the puffins and other sea birds such as Gannets, terns, fulmars, guillemots and razorbills on the East coast of Yorkshire at Bempton cliffs and Flamborough Head, these limestone cliffs are maintained by the RSPB and Yorkshire wildlife trust so also great places for wildlife spotting :-). I'm glad you enjoyed your time in Shetland though and really appreciate you adding all of your great photos to my Mission! Here are my puffins from a couple of weeks ago:

The MnMs
The MnMs 11 years ago

If you ever want to see them from very close you must go to Shetland Islands. There are two particular places, Sunburgh Head and Hermaness where at this time of the year you can find them in the grasses near the cliffs preparing their nests and they are there through the summer until babies are grown up. However is best to visit in a good weather day because we were twice in Hermaness, the first day sunny and not too much wind and we saw all this many. Two days later rainy in windy there were almost none in the same place (probably because of the strong winds, being dangerous for them to land at the top of the cliffs (?))..I really recommend Shetland I. It is a wonderful place for wildlife watching.

Debbie Stewart
Debbie Stewart 11 years ago

I love these Birds, they appear so comical with their little orange legs and oversized beaks :-)

The MnMs
The MnMs 11 years ago

done, Ava :-)

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 11 years ago

Please consider adding this spotting to the Animal Architecture mission at

The MnMs
The MnMs 11 years ago

Thanks, Caroline :-)

Caroline.V. 11 years ago


The MnMs
Spotted by
The MnMs

Scotland, United Kingdom

Spotted on Jun 11, 2013
Submitted on Jul 11, 2013

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