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Datana Moth

Datana sp.


Family: Notodontidae (Prominents) - Total length: 20-25 mm (Approximate) Coloring is beige, tawny brown/orange with parallel lines and spot on each wing. Orange head. Beige abdomen. Hosts: Deciduous trees and shrubs.


Woodlands (attracted to light)


Several species of datana moths are nearly identical including: Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth (Datana ministra), Angus Datana (Datana angusii), Drexel's Datana (Datana drexelii), and Contracted Datana (Datana contracta)

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1 Comment

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

Beauty!!Congrats ,Carol!! Thanks for sharing!
Most likely a female?

Carol Snow Milne
Spotted by
Carol Snow Milne

Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on Jun 30, 2013
Submitted on Jul 1, 2013

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