A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Cyaniris semiargus
This is the female specimen of the previous spotting I submitted http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/315..., It was less active and stood on the same leaf also after I approached it. I think it to be of the same species as the other because they were on nearby leaves and flew together at moments.
grassy plains at 1100 mt. above sea level
Thankyou sachin :)
Lovely picture,
Thankyou serena!!
Very nice!
thankyou epicology :)
awesome shot
Hi Adriano! In Polyommatus sp. the butterflies with brown on the dorsal view are the females. The blue ones are the males. Also see my comment on your spotting of the female.
Thankyou debbie! I try my best to capture them in their beauty :)
You have some very lovely butterfly spotting Adriano, and they are great photos too, really clear and sharp :-)