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Orbed Red-underwing Skipper

Spialia orbifer


the Orbed Red-underwing Skipper or Hungarian Skipper is a butterfly of the Hesperiidae family. It is found from south-eastern Europe and temperate Asia to Korea. The habitat consists of steppe on plains and grassy slopes in the mountains. The wingspan is 24-28 mm. Adults are on wing from April to August in one or two generations per year.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 11 years ago
Orbed Red-underwing Skipper
Spialia orbifer Orbed red-underwing skipper - Spialia orbifer

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bayucca 11 years ago

Spialia orbifer confirmed ;-)...

bayucca 11 years ago

Hesperiidae, Pyrginae, closest guess is Spialia orbifer. Tricky one. I don't think it is a Pyrgus sp., Spialia orbifer is a typical Southeastern skipper, also called Hungarian Skipper. It is very similar to Spialia sertorius, but this would be "replaced" by Spialia orbifer in the Balcan area.
Do you have any other picture? They are also not easy to catch, very nervous ones...
Please, verify!

Debbie Stewart
Debbie Stewart 11 years ago

I think Madalena is right with skipper, and I think one of the grizzled skipper forms but I think this may be one for bayucca to look at for the verified name :-)

mendes.madalena 11 years ago

i don't know, but maybe this will get attention ;) nice butterfly though, is it a skipper?

Spotted by


Spotted on Aug 2, 2013
Submitted on Aug 2, 2013

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