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Great Banded Grayling

Brintesia circe


Brintesia circe reaches on average 65–80 millimetres (2.6–3.1 in) of wingspan. Wings are mainly black or dark brown. They have a broad white band at the edge of the basal area of all wings and usually a second white streak on the lower wings. The black eyespots on the underside of the upper wings have a white contour.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 10 years ago
Great Banded Grayling
Brintesia circe Brintesia circe

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DanielePralong 10 years ago

Looks good bayucca, I can see no better match for the ventral shot! Yes, I was thrown off by the open wing shot. One I have never seen in person, doesn't venture (yet!) on this side of the Alps. I mentioned Jopy as this is spotted in Croatia, I'm sure she will confirm it's on the checklist.

VitoSarancha 10 years ago

Thank you bayucca! DanielePralong yes it is the same butterfly. The dorsal view is not of a good quality, it's very difficult to capture this one with the spread wings. This view's been uploaded especially for a proper identification. Thank you both and Happy New Year!!!

bayucca 10 years ago

I know how tricky these open wing shots are. I was wondering about this large black and white colored speeding around, not knowing what it is in Spain. Cool spotting! Happy 2014!
Domyou agree, Daniele?

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Hi ViSarancha! I'm intrigued! Are these of the same individual? The second shot (dorsal view) could match a white admiral, while the first shot (ventral view) suggests a grayling to me... See what Jopy and others say!

Spotted by


Spotted on Aug 3, 2013
Submitted on Jan 3, 2014

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