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Mangrove Buckeye Butterfly

Junonia evarete


Face has brown dorsal, broadband forewing is white fuzzy brown or orange, large eyespot is edged with brown internally. Eyespot lower forewing eyespot and upper hind wings are almost the same size. Underside of hindwing is brown, middle band is rather simple. Nigrosuffusa Form is very dark brown, forewing band is dark orange or nonexistent.


is a neotropical nymphalid butterfly found from Florida and the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, to tropical and subtropical South America. The type locality is Surinam, and numerous subspecies have been described.


Interestingly I found resting on the grass .... perhaps because at that time the rain stopped and was waiting for an opportune time to leave ... Do I believe that is?

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 11 years ago
Buckeye Butterfly
Junonia sp. Junonia evarete zonalis (live adults)

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bayucca 11 years ago

I am not sure if you can separate the two species from this shot. These species is under constant discussion by the experts. According to Andrew Neild, probably one of the the most accepted experts of this species you usually need to see the underside of the antennae. I still suggest that you take Junonia sp. with mentioning the 2 possible candidates in the description section.

DinDjarin 11 years ago

Thanks for the ID Bayucca ... but I found the exact species ...

bayucca 11 years ago

Junonia sp., it is either Junonia evarete or Junonia genoveva.

Spotted by

Panamá, Panama

Spotted on Sep 16, 2013
Submitted on Sep 16, 2013

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