A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Hyla gratiosa
Large tree frog that is green with spots on the back.
Found crossing the road in a mostly pine forest with several ponds nearby.
The last photo shows a pin woods tree frog, barking tree frog, and pine barrens tree frog together.
Thank you everyone!
Congratulations Ashley.
Congrats Ashley
Congratulations Ashley, beautiful little frog.
Congrats Ashley....how many SOTD is that now? You go girl!
Just went and listened to an audio clip, it does sound a bit like barking! Nice photos, congratulations on the SOTD ...
Cool frog, congrats Ash!
Congrats on SOTD with this nice frog.
Cool spotting and excellent photos, Ashley. Congrats on your SOTD.
Ashley congrats again ,now on the well deserved SOTD
congrats Ash! great spotting of the day!
Congrats Ashley ! Cute series !
Congrats !!!
Nice set of pics, Ashley. Congratulations on the SOTD !!
Congratulations Ashley.
Congratulations Ashley!
Beautiful shots!Congrats AshleyT!!
Beautiful shots! We have them here in Virginia as well. :)
Cool series, Ashley; really like the fourth photo! Congratulations!
Congrats Ashley, your awesome capture is our Spotting of the Day: The barking treefrog is the largest native species of treefrog in the United States. Males make their distinctive barking calls during the breeding season and the females are able to select the most fit males based upon the calls.
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So cute!
Yup looks so happy and relaxed.
He looks like he is calmely waiting for something,no stress :-) very cool,congrats and thanks for sharing