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English/House Sparrow

Passer domesticus


Male:- Crown and rump are dark grey; restof upper parts dark chestnut-brown, with black streaks. Wings are brown with dull white bar on shoulder; Tail dusky brown. Lores, throat and upper breast black forming bib; cheeks and rest of underparts are light grey-white. Eye brown. Bill dusky. Feet light brown. In non-breeding eclipse, bib is reduced. Female:- Duller brown above; crown is brown; buff on shoulder; throat and rest of underparts are brown-white; bill grey-horn. Immatures:- As female but duller and mottled on crown.


Common throughout eastern mainland Australia, to western Queensland and the Nullarbor Plain, particularly in association with human habitation. Also in Tasmania. They occur naturally in Eurasia and North Africa. Eleven races; one introduced into Australia. This flock of English/House Sparrow have Ti-tree; Cape Honeysuckle and Jacaranda Trees (plus surroundings) to perch in and my backyard lawn to pick through.


A noisy variety of chirrupings, such as cherr'p and harsh twittering. Although sparrows are often described as pests, these little birds don't know that they are causing 'problems'. They just live as nature intended and to the best of their ability. They have certainly become 'citified'! This family that visit my backyard offer plenty of entertainment. The last two photos were taken 12/07/2019. Reference:- Reader's Digest Complete book of Australian Birds. Photos have been edited

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Spotted on Dec 30, 2017
Submitted on Jun 3, 2020

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