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jumping plant lice (Calophyllum Psyllid?)

Leptynoptera sp.


A congregation of tiny insects with translucent wings and a sharp abdominal terminal process. These appear to be Psyllids or jumping plant lice. Since they are on beach mahogany they may be Leptynoptera sulfurea, the Calophyllum Psyllid. The group is fairly host specific. In the last photo they are shown secreting droplets (lerps? honeydew?).


Observed on a beach mahogany branch (Calophyllum inophyllum) in a large semi-urban yard/garden next to a patch of disturbed remnant forest. This is in the equatorial tropics of northern New Guinea.

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Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 10 years ago

Thanks for the tip stho002!

stho002 10 years ago

They appear to be psyllids

Scott Frazier
Spotted by
Scott Frazier


Spotted on Sep 7, 2013
Submitted on Jul 18, 2014

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