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Interaction between different species of Arthropods

Interaction between different species of Arthropods

Try to find any PAIR of DIFFERENT species of arthropods (insects, spiders, crustaceans, etc) interacting with each other. Tente localizar um par de arthrópodes (insetos, aranhas, crustáceos, etc) de diferentes espécies interagindo um com o outro. Sign in to join mission

Interaction between different species of Arthropods
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Website 764 participants 1,755 spottings

The objective of this mission is to collect pictures of the interaction between different species of arthropods. This interaction could be of any type, including predators eating other species (example: a spider eating a fly). Interação entre artrópodes. O objetivo desta missão é coletar fotos da interação entre diferentes espécies de arthrópods. Essa interação pode ser de qualquer tipo, incluindo predadores comendo outras espécies (exemplo: uma aranha comendo uma mosca). Mãos a obra!

Interaction between different species of Arthropods

Lat: -20.52 Long: -48.44

Recent Spottings

Leaf-footed Bug tomk3886 1 0 Leaf-footed Bug
Dark Wood Cockroach tomk3886 1 0 Dark Wood Cockroach
Blue Mud-dauber Wasp tomk3886 2 0 Blue Mud-dauber Wasp
Banana Spider tomk3886 2 0 Banana Spider
Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp tomk3886 2 0 Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp
Blue Mud-dauber Wasp tomk3886 2 0 Blue Mud-dauber Wasp
Blue Mud-dauber Wasp tomk3886 1 0 Blue Mud-dauber Wasp
Common House Spider tomk3886 2 0 Common House Spider
Common Houseouse Spider tomk3886 1 0 Common Houseouse Spider
Bee-mimic Robber Fly tomk3886 3 0 Bee-mimic Robber Fly
Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp tomk3886 1 0 Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp
Humpbacked Orbweaver tomk3886 2 0 Humpbacked Orbweaver
Star psyllid nymphs Leuba Ridgway 3 0 Star psyllid nymphs
Asian Weaver Ant John B. 2 0 Asian Weaver Ant
Gall on native mistletoe Leuba Ridgway 3 0 Gall on native mistletoe
Yellow gum stem gall Leuba Ridgway 1 0 Yellow gum stem gall
Ants tomk3886 1 0 Ants
Six-spotted Zigzag Ladybird John B. 1 0 Six-spotted Zigzag Ladybird
Grasshopper with Parasitic Mites John B. 2 0 Grasshopper with Parasitic Mites
Asian Weaver Ants John B. 3 2 Asian Weaver Ants
Signature Spider with Prey John B. 1 0 Signature Spider with Prey
Parasitized Moth Eggs tomk3886 1 0 Parasitized Moth Eggs
Lynx Spider John B. 1 0 Lynx Spider
Predatory Stink Bug tomk3886 1 0 Predatory Stink Bug
Dewdrop Spider John B. 2 6 Dewdrop Spider
Common House Spider tomk3886 1 1 Common House Spider
Oval St. Andrew's Cross Spider with Prey John B. 1 0 Oval St. Andrew's Cross Spider with Prey
Florida Carpenter Ant tomk3886 1 0 Florida Carpenter Ant
Tulip Tree Scale tomk3886 1 0 Tulip Tree Scale
Interrupted Spider Wasp tomk3886 3 1 Interrupted Spider Wasp
Signature Spider with Prey John B. 2 0 Signature Spider with Prey
Silver Dewdrop Spider tomk3886 2 0 Silver Dewdrop Spider
Signature Spider tomk3886 2 0 Signature Spider
Signature Spider tomk3886 1 1 Signature Spider
Lady Bird Beetle tomk3886 1 0 Lady Bird Beetle
Keeled Treehopper Nymphs tomk3886 2 0 Keeled Treehopper Nymphs
Predatory Stink Bug tomk3886 2 1 Predatory Stink Bug
Paper Wasp tomk3886 1 0 Paper Wasp
Ants tomk3886 1 1 Ants
Paper Wasp tomk3886 1 0 Paper Wasp
Braconid Wasp tomk3886 2 1 Braconid Wasp
Fall Webworm Moth tomk3886 1 0 Fall Webworm Moth
Smiling Mason Wasp tomk3886 1 0 Smiling Mason Wasp
Leaf-footed Bugs & Bean Plataspids John B. 2 0 Leaf-footed Bugs & Bean Plataspids
Milkweed Assassin Bug LivanEscudero 1 0 Milkweed Assassin Bug
Signature Spider with Prey John B. 1 0 Signature Spider with Prey
Signature Spider with Prey John B. 2 0 Signature Spider with Prey
Signature Spider with Prey John B. 1 0 Signature Spider with Prey
Signature Spider with Prey John B. 2 0 Signature Spider with Prey
Spring Fishfly tomk3886 1 0 Spring Fishfly

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