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Yuhina everetti
Saw this 3 birds sleeping together during a night walk.
Tropical rainforest
Yuhina everetti is the most current scientific name according to Clements. Yuhina castaniceps is a Striated Yuhina, restricted NE India across to China and down to Thailand. Yuhina everetti is endemic to Borneo.
Definitely not a Rufous-crowned Babbler, these are Chestnut-crested Yuhina, Staphida everetti, or Yuhina everetti or castaniceps, the underside of the tail gives them away. I have three scientific names so checking which is most up-to-date before making my suggestion.
Thanks, @Daniele for further clarification.
Will remove the ID for the meantime.
Hi Albert and Sukanya! I'm no specialist of this area, but all images I can see online for the Rufous-crowned babbler show that only the crown is rufous for this bird, whereas the birds in this photo have rufous on the crown and cheek as well. The tail also seems different. I will ask Malcolm to double-check for you.
This reminds me of images of long-tailed tits sleeping tight together to conserve energy: