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Lime Butterfly ( तितली )

Papilio demoleus


The butterfly is tailless and has a wingspan 80–100 mm. Above, the background colour is black. A broad, irregular yellow band is found on the wings above, which is broken in the case of the forewing. Besides this the butterfly has a large number of irregular spots on the wing. The upper hindwing has a red tornal spot with blue edging around it.


One of my student found it in dead position in the portion of forest behind my school, GHSS, Charubeta, Khatima, Uttarakhand, India. The butterfly is a pest and invasive species from the Old World which has spread to the Caribbean and Central America. It is also found in Africa.


Editing info: According to species ID suggestions by AmberLundeen.

1 Species ID Suggestions

AmberLundeen 12 years ago
The Lime Butterfly
Papilio demoleus Papilio demoleus

Sign in to suggest organism ID


Liam 12 years ago

Nice shot!

"Thank you very much, Amber!"

Pilibhit, Uttaranchal, India

Spotted on Aug 28, 2008
Submitted on Jul 23, 2011

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