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Micro Bee Fly

Mythicomyia sp.


Brown/gray flying insect with red eyes. About 1cm from tip to tip. Humpback thorax and wings extend beyond striped abdomen. It has a long proboscis.


Feeding from an African Daisy and resting on Variegated Swedish Ivy


There are over 150 different species in this genus. If anyone can figure this one out, I'll be very appreciative and impressed!

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CindyBinghamKeiser 12 years ago

I have actually after KarenP suggested it and I went through it. I just somehow missed this one! Thank you for the link though. It's been quite helpful when I'm more observant :)

lori.tas 12 years ago

Hi Cindy, I know you are a bit south of Orange County (where I lived for 25 years), but you might want to bookmark the site where your fly was located:

It looked to have lots of good information about all sorts of critters.

CindyBinghamKeiser 12 years ago

You found it! Thank you lori.tas It appears that the species aren't well documented so I'll enter Mythicomyia sp.

lori.tas 12 years ago

Check it against the male (photo in the lower right-hand corner) of this Mythicomyia sp :

lori.tas 12 years ago

It's a type of fly, possibly a "long-legged" species.

San Diego, California, USA

Spotted on Sep 3, 2011
Submitted on Sep 3, 2011

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