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The Mishka

The Mishka


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linefaberjohannesen MitchRay
TKBotting peter MarilynC DoraAnderson
The Mishka Snapper Turtle
Snapper Turtle commented on by The Mishka New Jersey, USA13 years ago

A young Snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) maybe? Soo Cute!

The Mishka Great Diving Beetle
Great Diving Beetle commented on by The Mishka British Columbia, Canada13 years ago

This to me looks like a caddisfly larvae.

The Mishka Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by The Mishka California, USA13 years ago

It's some sort of hanging fly.

The Mishka  Woolly Foxglove or Grecian Foxglove
Woolly Foxglove or Grecian Foxglove commented on by The Mishka Toronto, Canada13 years ago

I'd say a species of foxglove...

The Mishka Mole cricket
Mole cricket commented on by The Mishka Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India13 years ago

It looks to me like a type of Mole cricket.

The Mishka Black rat snake
Black rat snake commented on by The Mishka Atlanta, Georgia, USA13 years ago

I would think It's a Rat Snake as well.

The Mishka Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by The Mishka Ohio, USA13 years ago

Agreed! The last thing you want is a bad case of Phytophotodermatitis.

The Mishka Common Milkweed
Common Milkweed commented on by The Mishka Pennsylvania, USA13 years ago

Some sort of Milkweed.

The Mishka Cicada
Cicada commented on by The Mishka Philadelphia, New Jersey, USA13 years ago

Pictures a little blurry... But I think it may be either a Dog Day Cicada or a silver bellied Cicada.

The Mishka Dragonhunter nymph
Dragonhunter nymph commented on by The Mishka Michigan, USA13 years ago

I'm thinking more of a Dragonfly Nymph.

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