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Backyard Birding Southeastern USA

Backyard Birding Southeastern USA

In the south, we get some great birds migrating in the spring and fall, and we also have some year round resident birds. This mission is for birds seen in the wild - your backyard, neighborhood parks, and wherever you happen to be out and about. Date is important, especially for the migratory birds. Note if the bird is in a wildlife rescue. Fill out as many fields as you can. Descriptive habitats are helpful too: Feeders, baths, trees, perches, poles, birdhouses, bushes, telephone wires, etc. They also happen to be great places to start looking and listening and photographing. Sign in to join mission

Backyard Birding Southeastern USA
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Website 477 participants 1,943 spottings

This mission is for Backyard Birding in the Southeastern United States. It is for migratory birds, year-round birds and ducks that are seen in backyards, parks, and other places where birds are not captive. Look for things like bird feeders, bird houses, bard baths, birds perched near any of those things, trees around those man-made things. This mission covers the South eastern USA: Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Florida, Mississippi, and Virginia. Not only are pictures great, but if you can catch a song or two - they go great on the video link for the spotting.

Backyard Birding Southeastern USA

Lat: 33.75 Long: -84.39

Recent Spottings

Scarlet Tanager juvenile cobalttoad 4 2 Scarlet Tanager juvenile
Great Crested Flycatcher cobalttoad 1 0 Great Crested Flycatcher
Red tailed hawk cobalttoad 6 4 Red tailed hawk
Great crested flycatcher LauraLOVESbirds 3 0 Great crested flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird LauraLOVESbirds 2 0 Eastern Kingbird
Barn Swallow LauraLOVESbirds 1 0 Barn Swallow
Squirrel Tree Frog robert emond 4 0 Squirrel Tree Frog
Egyptian Goose James McNair 1 0 Egyptian Goose
House Finches Margaret15 1 0 House Finches
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher dragonflygrit 1 1 Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
Painted Bunting RickBohler 21 7 Painted Bunting
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Charlotte.Fletcher 8 2 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting RickBohler 16 3 Indigo Bunting
White-eyed Vireo dragonflygrit 4 4 White-eyed Vireo
Cape May Warbler RickBohler 7 1 Cape May Warbler
Common Yellowthroat (young female) LauraLOVESbirds 1 0 Common Yellowthroat (young female)
Brown Thrasher LauraLOVESbirds 2 0 Brown Thrasher
Fish Crow LauraLOVESbirds 2 0 Fish Crow
Purple Martin LauraLOVESbirds 1 0 Purple Martin
Indigo Bunting robert emond 4 0 Indigo Bunting
Eastern Kingbird LauraLOVESbirds 7 1 Eastern Kingbird
Little Blue Heron pevans01 0 1 Little Blue Heron
Bird egg okiegirl85 2 1 Bird egg
Eastern Towhee LauraLOVESbirds 4 2 Eastern Towhee
Black Vultures LauraLOVESbirds 4 4 Black Vultures
American Kestrel LauraLOVESbirds 2 0 American Kestrel
Carolina Wren LauraLOVESbirds 5 0 Carolina Wren
Red-bellied Woodpecker LauraLOVESbirds 2 0 Red-bellied Woodpecker
Mourning Dove and nest with eggs larkinpb 7 4 Mourning Dove and nest with eggs
Red-bellied Woodpecker suzybousa 3 2 Red-bellied Woodpecker
White Ibis suzybousa 2 0 White Ibis
Coopers Hawk LauraLOVESbirds 2 0 Coopers Hawk
Gray Catbird pevans01 0 1 Gray Catbird
Pileated Woodpecker (female) LauraLOVESbirds 1 0 Pileated Woodpecker (female)
Northern Flicker LauraLOVESbirds 4 0 Northern Flicker
Green Heron dragonflygrit 0 2 Green Heron
Prothonotary Warbler robert emond 5 0 Prothonotary Warbler
Anhinga dragonflygrit 0 0 Anhinga
Muscovy Duck klementclover34 3 0 Muscovy Duck
Northern Bobwhite PucaK 1 0 Northern Bobwhite
Cardinal pevans01 0 1 Cardinal
Chipping Sparrow larkinpb 2 0 Chipping Sparrow
Blue jay LisaPowers 5 1 Blue jay
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron Dex Bean 2 0 Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
Spotting Tammi Remsburg 0 1 Spotting
Boat-tailed grackle female joan6153 2 1 Boat-tailed grackle female
Northern Cardinal Marshall2 2 0 Northern Cardinal
Blue-winged teal female joan6153 3 1 Blue-winged teal female
Kentucky Warbler ColtMooney 1 2 Kentucky Warbler
Carolina wren larkinpb 1 0 Carolina wren

Recently joined

cobalttoad Margaret15 Kristina Hicks15 mfj001
Melissa Biehl mnorwood2 gratography LauraLOVESbirds
flowntheloop Charlotte.Fletcher dragonflygrit robert emond
suzybousa Tammi Remsburg Blessedjcm Monica Lichtenwalner
BobbieDropderp PossumPrint PucaK Dex Bean
Shawniegal StrongFoundations HomeSchool e.drinnon RubyWooten
caw1975 IanAyotte betsywcollum ThatBlueEyedGirl
TTaylor Jake Taylor Kellyspubvista Cris
JennieDoomsday Easton Hamer Rosa Maria shinleveranna
RickBohler vilasbirdrefuge Dove_Creek_Academy w810angel
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