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Eastern North America Trees

Eastern North America Trees

Submit your photos identified and unidentified. Photos of the branches, seeds, bark, leaves, and bud/bud scars are extremely helpful in identifying any tree species. Sign in to join mission

Eastern North America Trees
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Website 294 participants 995 spottings

All trees and shrubs welcomed! This mission is created to survey Eastern North American trees and shrubs. A mission community for all who love trees!

Eastern North America Trees

Lat: 39.18 Long: -83.55

Recent Spottings

Thundercloud cherry plum tree mauna Kunzah 3 0 Thundercloud cherry plum tree
Witch-hazel mauna Kunzah 1 0 Witch-hazel
Dwarf Palmetto mauna Kunzah 1 2 Dwarf Palmetto
Sungold Sawara-Cypress DavidMroczkowski 1 0 Sungold Sawara-Cypress
Northern bayberry mauna Kunzah 1 3 Northern bayberry
Eastern White Pine Resin (Sap) Christine Y. 3 0 Eastern White Pine Resin (Sap)
Nootka False Cypress Cone (Female) Christine Y. 2 0 Nootka False Cypress Cone (Female)
Oak Burl Christine Y. 7 5 Oak Burl
Cockspur Hawthorn DavidMroczkowski 2 1 Cockspur Hawthorn
Arborvitae DavidMroczkowski 1 0 Arborvitae
Pawpaw QWMom 2 0 Pawpaw
Common Pawpaw werdgent 1 0 Common Pawpaw
Balsam Fir Grace Miller 1 0 Balsam Fir
Apocynaceae rewindtheyes 1 0 Apocynaceae
Purple Norway Maple Nancy Tauras 1 2 Purple Norway Maple
Pawpaw MeaganKeefe 1 0 Pawpaw
Spanish Gold sarah in the woods 3 4 Spanish Gold
Spotting NewYorker 2 0 Spotting
White Oak Tree Nancy Tauras 1 1 White Oak Tree
White Pine Tree Nancy Tauras 2 0 White Pine Tree
Maple Tree Nancy Tauras 2 0 Maple Tree
Spotting Evergreen 1 1 Spotting
Japanese Maple Evergreen 0 0 Japanese Maple
Sourwood sarah in the woods 2 0 Sourwood
Sugar Maple JoAnneDavis 1 0 Sugar Maple
Sassafras JoAnneDavis 1 0 Sassafras
American Persimmon QWMom 1 0 American Persimmon
Northern Red Oak sarah in the woods 1 0 Northern Red Oak
Tree of heaven mauna Kunzah 1 2 Tree of heaven
Arborvitae DavidMroczkowski 1 0 Arborvitae
Paw Paw chesterbperry 2 0 Paw Paw
Shagbark Hickory DavidMroczkowski 2 0 Shagbark Hickory
Japanese beetle KevinS. 0 3 Japanese beetle
Highbush cranberry Chaenorrhinum 3 0 Highbush cranberry
Crape Myrtle Michael A.Gentile 1 0 Crape Myrtle
Mimosa katiejune619 1 0 Mimosa
Sassafras MaggieNoel 2 2 Sassafras
Eastern Redbud empidonax 2 0 Eastern Redbud
Sassafras QWMom 1 0 Sassafras
Yellow chestnut oak DavidMroczkowski 0 1 Yellow chestnut oak
Downy Serviceberry QWMom 1 0 Downy Serviceberry
Callery-Bradford pear suzmonk 3 2 Callery-Bradford pear
Red Norway Pine DavidMroczkowski 1 0 Red Norway Pine
Japanese Black Pine sarah in the woods 2 1 Japanese Black Pine
Pecan tree suzmonk 1 2 Pecan tree
American Holly sarah in the woods 2 0 American Holly
Flowering Dogwood sarah in the woods 2 0 Flowering Dogwood
Eastern Redbud sarah in the woods 2 0 Eastern Redbud
Spotting sarah in the woods 0 1 Spotting
Weeping Willow cefarrow 2 0 Weeping Willow

Recently joined

JimJohnson2 Shellys Vintage Ingrid3 larkinpb
Christine Y. Grace M. Thane Wilcox camdmb
dbpetit IanAyotte AprilPerry Elemitrt
jbstrange2202 NatalieJohnson-Cross DebbieN empidonax
DanielleMulcahy Gbluheron Netdjtoufiqhouari KyleeHeims
shinleveranna lpeery902 vilasbirdrefuge ollieoxenfree28
jasonmichaeldaniels Fiona.Marie Katebrooke JoniJames
Bethany4 doodlelist anatotitan sarah in the woods
Jackson C. jcdempsey3 AaronS.Young SMWG
Eis4Xtreme leewpulliam KatelynThomas SharonThompson
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