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Gulf Coast Oil Spill Impact

Gulf Coast Oil Spill Impact

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Gulf Coast Oil Spill Impact
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Website 355 participants 453 spottings

The Gulf Coast region is facing an environmental disaster. With hundreds of species of plants and animals in danger, we need your help collecting data and assessing the impact of one of the worst oil spills in the region's history. Project Noah is working closely with a variety of groups to gather critical information and coordinate efforts to save endangered wildlife in the impacted areas.

Gulf Coast Oil Spill Impact

Recent Spottings

American Alligator gatorfellows 1 0 American Alligator
Mudskipper SoradhornJidmon 2 1 Mudskipper
Meder's mangrove crab SoradhornJidmon 1 1 Meder's mangrove crab
Bottle-nose dolphin SoradhornJidmon 2 1 Bottle-nose dolphin
Spotting SoradhornJidmon 2 0 Spotting
Variable Oystercatcher SoradhornJidmon 2 0 Variable Oystercatcher
Red-Billed Gull/Akiaki SoradhornJidmon 1 0 Red-Billed Gull/Akiaki
Southern black-backed gull SoradhornJidmon 1 0 Southern black-backed gull
Spotting SoradhornJidmon 1 1 Spotting
Tricolored Heron Ric3 3 1 Tricolored Heron
Javan pond heron SoradhornJidmon 2 0 Javan pond heron
Common Sandpiper SoradhornJidmon 1 0 Common Sandpiper
Osprey joanbstanley 2 0 Osprey
Manatee Ric3 6 1 Manatee
Spotting TaylorRobertson 1 0 Spotting
Loggerhead Shrike Ric3 4 2 Loggerhead Shrike
Common Loon Ric3 3 0 Common Loon
Ribbed Mussel ShawnIegal 1 0 Ribbed Mussel
American Alligator ronfellows2020 2 0 American Alligator
Royal Tern gatorfellows 3 0 Royal Tern
Reddish Egret gatorfellows 2 0 Reddish Egret
Laughing Gull gatorfellows 1 0 Laughing Gull
Long-billed Curlew gatorfellows 1 0 Long-billed Curlew
Marbled Godwit gatorfellows 1 0 Marbled Godwit
Jelly fish LauraPecoul 1 0 Jelly fish
Ghost Shrimp holes joanbstanley 2 1 Ghost Shrimp holes
Alantic Ghost Crab burrow joanbstanley 2 0 Alantic Ghost Crab burrow
Brown Pelican joanbstanley 1 0 Brown Pelican
Spotting joanbstanley 0 0 Spotting
Indigo Bunting (female) gatorfellows 1 0 Indigo Bunting (female)
Lizard's Tail gatorfellows 1 0 Lizard's Tail
Ruddy Turnstone gatorfellows 1 0 Ruddy Turnstone
Needham's Skimmer Dragonfly gatorfellows 2 0 Needham's Skimmer Dragonfly
American Alligator gatorfellows 8 3 American Alligator
Little Blue Heron (immature) gatorfellows 4 3 Little Blue Heron (immature)
Needham's Skimmer Dragonfly gatorfellows 2 0 Needham's Skimmer Dragonfly
Wood stork klmoore21 1 1 Wood stork
Gull klmoore21 1 0 Gull
Needham's Skimmer Dragonfly gatorfellows 5 6 Needham's Skimmer Dragonfly
Reindeer Lichen gatorfellows 3 2 Reindeer Lichen
Northern Cardinal (male) gatorfellows 2 0 Northern Cardinal (male)
Willet gatorfellows 0 2 Willet
Orchard Orbweaver gatorfellows 4 2 Orchard Orbweaver
Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly gatorfellows 2 0 Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly
Wood Stork p.young713 7 6 Wood Stork
Virginia Rail gatorfellows 1 1 Virginia Rail
Green Frog gatorfellows 1 3 Green Frog
Carolina Anole ronfellows2020 2 0 Carolina Anole
Carolina Anole gatorfellows 2 0 Carolina Anole
Blue Dasher Dragonfly gatorfellows 3 4 Blue Dasher Dragonfly

Recently joined

Matthew Eppihimer leducky300 DanielePralong AnkitShah
ZACHARY BRINDLE Root Doctor Jack Smith KateRoperCamp
VeroniquePitre Shawniegal SoradhornJidmon Gabe39
tmiah469 Tx Prairie Girl joanbstanley Gregh1981
Diff rattlewood48 IanAyotte n.jacob.c
Dixie clawson.diane BelaArora ❤AnimalLover❤
AbiBoocock FoxExplorer kathygiron856 RobertSmith3
Born2binthesun JumpingSpider22 ana4 JaynPretty2
@pitch_perfect24 Skinner cranbrook-sda-youth1 Ric3
stephinekleinpeter wilburandmolly InfinityStar RyanNavarro
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