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Leaf hoppers, mating Sergio Monteiro 1 0 Leaf hoppers, mating
Pandorea sp. climbing vine Neil Ross 1 0 Pandorea sp. climbing vine
Spotted Sergeant Manoj Samuel Grg 5 0 Spotted Sergeant
Brown pelican (juveniles) Brian38 1 0 Brown pelican (juveniles)
inornate pyrausta moth vihasacharya 1 0 inornate pyrausta moth
Eudocima Hypermnestra VasanthKumar 2 0 Eudocima Hypermnestra
Osprey Vijay Vanaparthy 5 1 Osprey
Blady Grass Neil Ross 2 0 Blady Grass
California quail (male) Brian38 4 2 California quail (male)
Acmon Blue Brian38 3 2 Acmon Blue
Southern birdwing eldho 2 1 Southern birdwing
Rosy-patched Bush-shrike Karan Raghwa 3 0 Rosy-patched Bush-shrike
Common Camas SargonR 1 0 Common Camas
Eurasian wren Jopy 1 0 Eurasian wren
Starling Malcolm Wilton-Jones 1 0 Starling
Nest of Olive-backed Oriole Neil Ross 2 0 Nest of Olive-backed Oriole
Gray Hairstreak Brian38 9 2 Gray Hairstreak
Great spotted woodpecker Dijana Serhatlic 1 0 Great spotted woodpecker
Black redstart Dijana Serhatlic 1 0 Black redstart
Purseweb spider Stephanie51 0 2 Purseweb spider
Tropical Arroyo Dancer Damselfly LaurenZarate 2 3 Tropical Arroyo Dancer Damselfly
Indian Owlet-Moth Manoj Samuel Grg 3 0 Indian Owlet-Moth
Brettus Jumping Spider Vijay Vanaparthy 3 1 Brettus Jumping Spider
Red-sided garter snake Shou 5 0 Red-sided garter snake
Hairy Vetch SargonR 2 0 Hairy Vetch
False Tiger Moth Manoj Samuel Grg 1 0 False Tiger Moth
Long-legged Fly LaurenZarate 1 0 Long-legged Fly
Blow Fly LaurenZarate 1 0 Blow Fly
Anise swallowtail Brian38 4 0 Anise swallowtail
Gata peluda Diegol 1 0 Gata peluda
Fan palm mauna Kunzah 4 5 Fan palm
Red-shouldered Bug Brian38 2 1 Red-shouldered Bug
Spotting Samuel Hartman 0 1 Spotting
Scorpion Mimic Stick Insect Ernesto5 4 1 Scorpion Mimic Stick Insect
Ram's Head Lady's Slipper Greg Shchepanek 9 4 Ram's Head Lady's Slipper
Feathered Shell Fungus LaurenZarate 1 1 Feathered Shell Fungus
Western giant puffball Brian38 12 4 Western giant puffball
Spider Conch AlbertKang 1 0 Spider Conch
Daphnis minima NidhinBasheer 3 0 Daphnis minima
Spotting SargonR 1 0 Spotting
Spotting lapoo 1 1 Spotting
Hazel dormouse Mauron 1 2 Hazel dormouse
Pinewoods Treefrog Machi 9 2 Pinewoods Treefrog
Whiptail Wallaby Neil Ross 6 0 Whiptail Wallaby
Two-spot Ladybird Malcolm Wilton-Jones 1 0 Two-spot Ladybird
Clouded sulphur (puddling) Brian38 4 0 Clouded sulphur (puddling)
Song Thrush Egg Mauron 1 0 Song Thrush Egg
Spotting Andras 1 1 Spotting
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