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by MSJdwashingtonEllicott City, Maryland, USA

0 0 Smooth Alder

Smooth Alder

by mmkruger11West Virginia, USA

0 0 Smooth Alder

Smooth Alder

Reading, Massachusetts, USA

0 0 Smooth Alder

Smooth Alder

Reading, Massachusetts, USA

0 0 Hazel Alder/Tag Alder/Smooth Alder

Hazel Alder/Tag Alder/Smooth Alder

by PucaKWinder, Georgia, USA

Flowers of Alnus serrulata are unisexual. The long catkins are the male ...

0 0 Smooth Alder

Smooth Alder

by Fyn KyndMaine, USA

Alnus serrulata, the Hazel Alder or

0 0 Smooth Alder

Smooth Alder

by musicalskyMaryland, USA

We found this bush on the side of the school.

0 0 Alder-Leaved Buckthorn

Alder-Leaved Buckthorn

Michigan, USA

Smooth texture, glossy green color, one ...

0 0 Hazel Alder

Hazel Alder

by QWMomGeorgia, USA

The seed cones and catkins of last season linger well into winter on this ...

0 0 Smooth Alder (Common Alder) shrub

Smooth Alder (Common Alder) shrub

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

Flowers are long drooping male catkins appearing in March and April. smaller ...

0 0 Two-tone Parchment

Two-tone Parchment

by doreen.chambers.14Vermont, USA

feltlike above feltlike to wrinkled above; becoming

2 8 black cup fungus

black cup fungus

by shebebusynowWashington, USA

Black cup fungus with glabrous top, incurved edge that can be ragged, short ...

0 0 Black Wart fungus

Black Wart fungus

by Brian38

A black fungus that typically grows on American beech tree bark and possibly on ...

2 0 Globe Ball Lichen

Globe Ball Lichen

by Brian38Washington, USA

Pale to light brown fruticose lichen.

3 1 Hypophaea Dot Lichen

Hypophaea Dot Lichen

by Brian38Washington, USA

Crustose lichen with a gray thallus and distinctive bluish-black ascospores. ...

0 0 Chittum, Cascara

Chittum, Cascara

by shebebusynowOregon

oval leaves with smooth edge, black berries

5 2 Spring hazel cup

Spring hazel cup

by KarenLFairview, Tennessee, USA

irregular cups, often bunched together in clusters. Asci eight spored ...

0 0 Hazel Alder

Hazel Alder

by QWMomGeorgia, USA

A multi-stemmed deciduous small tree or large shrub. Bark is thin, gray to ...

1 0 Red huckleberry

Red huckleberry

by shebebusynowOregon, USA

round, red smooth berries; oval deciduous ...

2 6 Speckled Alder

Speckled Alder

by CourtneyVerkOntario, Canada

It is a small to medium size tree 15-20 m tall with

0 0 Spotting


by Michelle ParishJunction City, Oregon, USA

tree root it was coming from.. there were spruce, fir and scrub

3 1 Script lichen

Script lichen

by arlandaSan Tirso de Abres, Asturias, Spain

Crustose lichen. Very variable. It has a thin,

1 0 Golden Buprestid

Golden Buprestid

by KarenSaxtonCoquille, Oregon, USA

homes can be prevented by painting or varnishing siding as they do not like to ...

2 6 Fuckel Cup

Fuckel Cup

by AlexKonigHeerlen, Limburg, Netherlands

with age, inner surface light brown, outer similarly coloured and

2 6 Spring Hazel Cup

Spring Hazel Cup

by AlexKonigHeerlen, Limburg, Netherlands

eight spored 90-100x6µ asco spores smooth, ...

0 0 Amber Jelly Roll

Amber Jelly Roll

by QWMomGeorgia, USA

-bearing surface is smooth and shiny, ...

0 0 Pear Shaped Puffball

Pear Shaped Puffball

by EdwardNathanReulbachJr.Silverdale, Washington, USA

age. The spores measure 3 to 4.5 µm and are round,

0 1 Sheathed Woodtuft

Sheathed Woodtuft

by EdwardNathanReulbachJr.Silverdale, Washington, USA

stipe is 8-10 cm long by about 0.5-1 cm in diameter with a ring which ...

4 0 Wood inhabiting Gilled Mushroom

Wood inhabiting Gilled Mushroom

by EdwardNathanReulbachJr.Silverdale, Washington, USA

or zone on upper stalk; white. Flesh firm; yellow. Odor sweet. Taste slight. ...

2 0 Yellow brain, witches' butter

Yellow brain, witches' butter

by AntónioGinjaGinjaBraga, Portugal

surface is usually smooth, the lobes ...

4 1 Questionable Stropharia

Questionable Stropharia

by EdwardNathanReulbachJr.Seattle, Washington, USA

smooth surface, is slimy when moist, and ...

5 0 Rim lichen

Rim lichen

by arlandaSan Tirso de Abres, Asturias, Spain

aspect is very similar, but devoid of black prothallus. Widespread and common ...

2 0 Sheathed Woodtuft

Sheathed Woodtuft

by AlexKonigHorst aan de Maas, Limburg, Netherlands

stipe is 8-10 cm long by about 0.5-1 cm in diameter with a ring which ...

1 1 Questionable Stropharia

Questionable Stropharia

by EdwardNathanReulbachJr.Silverdale, Washington, USA

smooth surface, is slimy when moist, and ...

0 0 Questionable Stropharia

Questionable Stropharia

by EdwardNathanReulbachJr.Silverdale, Washington, USA

smooth surface, is slimy when moist, and ...

3 2 Questionable Stropharia

Questionable Stropharia

by EdwardNathanReulbachJr.Seattle, Washington, USA

, has a smooth surface, is slimy when ...

0 0 Hazel Alder

Hazel Alder

by KenCheeksSouth Carolina, USA

gray, smooth, and has a bitter and ...

4 0 big - golden jelly fungus

big - golden jelly fungus

by AlexKonigHorst aan de Maas, Limburg, Netherlands

surface is usually smooth, the lobes ...

2 0 golden jelly fungus

golden jelly fungus

by AlexKonigHorst aan de Maas, Limburg, Netherlands

surface is usually smooth, the lobes ...

1 0 warty jelly fungus

warty jelly fungus

by AlexKonigHorst aan de Maas, Limburg, Netherlands

; upper surface smooth to minutely ...

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