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White stork, cigüeña común

Cicconia cicconia


Extremadura is probably the best place in the world to see storks.


At the Plaza Mayor of Trujillo, Cáceres.

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arlanda 12 years ago

Congratulations Ava, I have no family from Extremadura but it is a wonderful part of Spain.

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 12 years ago

arlanda, my family is from Extremadura 15 generations ago :D

arlanda 12 years ago

Thanks Ava, gracias!

arlanda 12 years ago

Added to "Nests, hives, bowers, webs & other animal architecture" mission

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 12 years ago

Please put this spotting in the Animal Architecture mission. It's PERFECT; it has animal architecture and human architecture!
Por favor, pone este foto en la mision Animal Architecture a

Spotted by

Extremadura, Spain

Spotted on Apr 8, 2012
Submitted on Apr 8, 2012

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