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American Badger

Taxidea taxus


A pair of American Badgers out for a stroll on a dirt road just outside of town (Battle Lake, Minnesota). I believe these may be two, young Badgers that have just left their Mother's den and are out on their own for the first time (due to size, curiosity level and lack of fear of cars or humans) but I could be wrong.


Open grasslands, sandy loam soils and prairies.

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27 Comments (1–25)

animalexpert 12 years ago


JanelleL.Streed 12 years ago

animalexpert-Thank you!!!!! "-)

animalexpert 12 years ago

That's cool!!!!!

JanelleL.Streed 12 years ago

Jeannette-Thank you so much! :-)

Jeannette 12 years ago

Lovely series too :)

JanelleL.Streed 12 years ago

Gerardo-Thank you!!! :-)

JanelleL.Streed 12 years ago

al-ee-oop They are, aren't they?! Just sharing in the hope my story may help someone else (scientist or spotter) some day. :-))) Thank you!

JanelleL.Streed 12 years ago

Noah Citizen-Thank you so much! I was thrilled both times (spotting and SOTD). "-)))

Noah Citizen
Noah Citizen 12 years ago

That's really a wonderful series. Congrat for your spotting of the day!

al-ee-oop 12 years ago

Cute story, and Beautiful animal! :)

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Congratulations Janelle!
Wonderful spotting!

JanelleL.Streed 12 years ago

Thank you everyone! I was very fortunate to find this pair out walking along a dirt road just outside of town near CREP (Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program) land and pasture/farm fields. I believe they may have just left their den and were youngsters (based on their size and being found together). I knew almost nothing about Badgers, other than what I'd seen once on Wild Kratz (PBS) of Honey Badgers, so was very cautious and more than a bit nervous as they approached the car we were sitting in. When I first saw them I thought (from a distance) they were raccoons. As we slowly approached I realized they were some kind of Badger. It was a very hot, humid day so all the car windows were open with Michael Jackson's "killer" song playing on the radio. I was surprised by their lack of fear (car engine noise, music playing, grandson talking in the backseat) and what appeared to be curiosity. When we first saw them, they were together on the dirt road. Later one of them lay down on the road (acting injured or sick?) as the other slowly approached us alongside the road through the tall grasses/weeds. When the second one got uncomfortably close (too close to use my 70-300mm lens on), we started slowly pulling forward, at which point the closer of the two stepped away from the car and into the ditch. The first one stayed laying on the road until we were about 3-4' away then scurried into the ditch as well. Had all the car windows not been rolled down (hand-crank), had my 2 1/2 year-old grandson not been in the car and had I known more about them and their (climbing/jumping) abilities I could have stayed and savored this rare photo/learning opportunity and satiated my own curiosity. As it was, caution won out after a dozen or so images. They're very interesting animals and are worthy of our respect and caution. Thanks again for all the wonderful comments, welcomes and for selecting them on your daily sightings spotlight (?). Happy spotting everyone!

infiniteabhishek 12 years ago

Amazing pictures

MaryEvans2 12 years ago

Congrats, wonderful photos and spotting!

KarenL 12 years ago

Wonderful series!
Welcome to Project Noah Janelle!

ShannaB 12 years ago

Awesome, well done! : )

Sachin Zaveri
Sachin Zaveri 12 years ago


Arun 12 years ago

Nice Spotting ... Cngrts !!

Atul 12 years ago

congrats on sotd!

Stian Waaler
Stian Waaler 12 years ago

Great pictures!
Congratulations with spotting of the day

DanielePralong 12 years ago

Congratulations and welcome Janelle!

Yasser 12 years ago

Janelle, welcome to Project Noah and congratulations for earning a Spotting of the Day with this great series!

"The American Badger is stocky and low-slung with short, powerful legs that are identifiable by their huge foreclaws and distinctive head markings."

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Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Very cool series!

alicelongmartin 12 years ago

Lucky you! A Wonderful spotting! (or the last picture first)

Mandy Hollman
Mandy Hollman 12 years ago

Awesome spotting!

Spotted by

Minnesota, USA

Spotted on Jul 21, 2011
Submitted on Apr 15, 2012

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